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Posts posted by Pedro

  1. I knew this kid from high school, always getting into trouble and fights, not the best kid to be around but sad all the same. He moved out of the area my sophomore year and my sister used to watch his niece. RIP Blayne Petit


    I read that on the dispatch website. Sucks to hear stuff like that happening in front of kids, let alone happening period.

  2. more like amazed.

    i just think it's sad that in america people think a person legally carrying a firearm is worth an interview. just shows you how conditioned people are to thinking anyone with a gun is going to commit a crime.

    I agree, it's a shame.

  3. Zorro will be the bloody guy with a rearset sticking out of his head walking around like a dumbass as usual..

    For those that are going, Zorro and I will most likely be parked beside each other.. Look for my black 4 door Tacoma and Zorro's Blue POS dodge ram.

    I will also have my geny setup around my truck.

    LMAO. That's funny.

  4. I was told when I went down on mine, if the damage is more than 3/4 of the value of the bike it was going to be totaled. Idk if that was just Erie Ins. or is that way with every Ins. company.

    Good luck to your brother to get it all back together.

    If the damage is at 75 to 80% of the value of the bike it's usually totalled.

  5. My bro laid his '07 Ninja 500 down Saturday with minor injuries. A nice strawberry on the forearm and a bruised ego..It has about 2700 miles.

    The adjuster is coming out tomorrow to take a look at teh bike. What does it usually take to total a bike? The front faring' date=' exhaust, pegs, and handle bars are toast. Not sure about the fork alignment, but it is probably not good...

    It is totally ridable and fixable. Just looking for some opinions / experiences.



    Frame damage will pretty much guarantee that it is totalled.

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