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Everything posted by walther_gsp

  1. Yes, ~400 miles yesterday, plus hiking at hocking hills in the middle of it. I hurt all over. I could be talked into riding out to lunch somewhere maybe.
  2. I'm with ya man. I hate riding in the rain.
  3. Any thoughts on a makeup day in the event of rain?
  4. 1. walther_gsp 2. InyaAzz 3. r1crusher 4. shittygsxr ? 5. mc_spirited 6. Vulcan_rider As of now, the forecast is 60% chance of rain for Akron, 50% for Toledo. What chance of rain is acceptable for you guys? I say we check the forecast at 6pm tomorrow and make a call on go/no go then.
  5. Ok, Here's the list so far 1. walther_gsp 2. InyaAzz 3. r1crusher 4. shittygsxr ? 5. mc_spirited?
  6. According to google, the route should take us around 3 hours. Maybe meet at 8am and roll out around 8:30? That should give us a buffer for holiday traffic and inability to speed due to cops.
  7. I may be at Iron Pony sometime tomorrow with my uncle and his grandson picking out MX helmets. Depending on what time you guys hit the dyno we may stop out, the kid would get a kick out of it.
  8. How about this for a route? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=4900+Transportation+Drive&daddr=vermilion+to:huron,+oh+to:sandusky,+oh+to:fremont,+oh+to:1902+Front+St,+Toledo,+OH+43605+(Tony+Packo's+Cafe)&mra=pe&mrcr=4&dirflg=h&sll=41.360319,-82.298584&sspn=2.12744,4.438477&ie=UTF8&ll=41.240642,-82.497711&spn=0.532843,1.109619&z=10
  9. Yea, I was talking about heading straight to Toledo. I know jack shit about the west side, so someone give me a meeting place and directions. How about we meet at the Shefftucky QSL? Ride 6 along the take until it hits 20, then head up 20 to Toledo? Inya, give me a call today.
  10. Ok guys. Let's pick a meeting place and route. How about Rick Roush out on 71/18 at 8am Monday? Those who want to grab a bite to eat can meet at 7am at the Bob Evans next door. I picked the place, now someone do the route.
  11. I ended up with a 34M upload to randor today. Gotta love testing new DS3's
  12. I guess this means I win. oops, nevermind. Forgot my ip address assignment showed my company. 38meg download.
  13. I can't think of any decent place along their route to meet up. Lets shoot for meeting them in Toledo. The route I used to take to get to BG isn't bad, out 224 and some various backroads to BG, then up to 75 to Toledo? Nothing really twisty though.
  14. Yes, I rode all the way from Akron. I take any excuse to return to Columbus for a visit. I think we might have talked briefly. I rode a blue R6 and was wearing a yamaha hoody.
  15. I'm game. Do you want to meet them in Toledo at lunch and then ride a bit, or try to meet them on their way up there? I can't think of any real decent rides to Toledo, last time I just took 18 to 20 and it was flat and boring.
  16. I think I'm down for anything Friday/Sunday/Monday. Not sure what my regular crew is up to, but I'll check. Anyone up for meeting up with the Columbus crew on Monday?
  17. I have actually used that one at work, but not in a long time. Man I wish I saw this thread 2 days ago. I'm going to work a good half dozen of those in before midday tomorrow if it kills me.
  18. I have a feeling you'll finally break triple digits on the dyno next time for sure
  19. Is his insurance company offering him a buy back and was the frame damaged?
  20. There should be 2 plastic pins/rivets on the inside, front edge of the mid fairing. Put your hand underneath the front cowling below the headlight and run your hand along the inside edge and you'll feel them. Take a Phillips screwdriver and push in the center of the rivets real hard and it'll pop, allowing you to pull it out. I don't know if you have to take the lower fairing off or not, I've always had it off when I've removed the mid fairings.
  21. The IRS website says that if its rejected, you will be mailed a check. No mention of timeline.
  22. walther_gsp


    stopped being gay all of a sudden?
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