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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. you should start a new thread with all of your stalker tips
  2. and to think I have trouble dealing with 1 dog..
  3. I wish I had friends like you!!! I dont think my friends would piss on my teeth if my gums were on fire.
  4. Going just a little deeper there are two type of banks, those that sell their loans and those who keep their loans. The bank I am with does not sell their loans and never will. They were slightly less profitable and now they are laughing their asses off. Most banks and mortgage banks give out a bunch of loans then sell them in $10million dollar blocks, so once they do that they wipe their hands clean. Alot of these companies have had to change thier practices because of "preditory lending" laws over the last couple of years. These institutions knew that there was no way in hell you could afford the loan but they did not explain details of purpose because they wanted to get you to sign and then sell the loan. They are being sued and alot have closed their doors and ran away
  5. R1 nice post and Dweezel I wouldnt think it was anyone elses fault if I defaulted on my mortgage. What has happened is the equivalent of a gun dealer selling everyone missles because they wanted them. The masses act like children and they need to be treated that way
  6. why is it my fault that the bank gave 10 assholes a loan that they couldnt afford that drove up the prices on my block? They are bankers they know about money, and believe it or not actually spend quit a bit of time in school learning about it. Wether you want to admit it or not "people" are not educated about money or investing. They dont know the difference that one percentage point will make in their loan payment, they dont know what an ammortization schedule is. That is why we have bankers, if everyone was smarter than them, bankers would not exist. If you can answer this question with a well thought out response I will shut up. When something happens to you medically, and you had previously just seen a doctor, why is it the doctors fauly? When something happens to you financially, and you had perviously just seen a banker, why is it "your" own fault?
  7. the sound from the video wont help you better undersand you would need to check out google and read the news stories
  8. at that point just walk away from the house and let the bank have it. There will be many class action lawsuits against banks as thier irresponsible lending artificially inflated the cost of housing and regular joe's have to foot the bill again.
  9. See, that is why I need help. These are people that GSXRNurse doesnt like from her school days (1 week ago) and thought it would be fun to send to them.
  10. I have a pic with 9 or so people "singing" and wanted to add the song "ding fries are done" with their mouths moving
  11. She will probably make you sit on it while strapped down in the bed of a truck for 1000 miles
  12. speaking of photoshop are there any experts here? I have a photo that i need some "work" done to.
  13. Ahhh when people join together and combine thier efforts there is no limit to their stupidity
  14. That would be nice. This site would have to get a couple together
  15. I was confused at first because his pants were about 6 inches lower than where the officer was grabbing. The cop did look like he was having fun with it though
  16. I hope this thread gets more interesting
  17. which bike did she drop at the show?
  18. ouch:) I was just kidding about that who rep thing I just think chicks on bikes are hot and didn't want to get in trouble for saying it when my girl gets online
  19. I think that it is important that we bring more ladies into this sport as their reputation isnt what it should be. We almost have enough girl riders to be able to establish a presence and get the respect that they deserve. Women dont belong on the back of our bikes wearing horrible gear from ICON that looks cheesey ass hell. Ben I know that you feel threatened by a girl with her own bike. Yes she will more than likely kiss you ass out on the road. I know that I am setting myself up for mean comments but I have no problem with a woman showing me her supperior riding abilities.
  20. damn when are we going to get to hear from her. As long as some of the new ladies come out riding this summer I might be happy
  21. FUCK RIDING!!! I juusssst wannnnnaaaaaaa dance...
  22. Thanks Flounder yeah we were probably a bit obnoxious but who cares. Thanks for coming out for some beers:cool:
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