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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. All of my Gap trips involve someone, including myself, coming home with a mangled bike. We joke and give each other shit but everyone comes home, somtimes with a lot more bruises.

    I am sorry to hear this, it sounds like he was a good guy and the nurses at the hospital in Alcoa are pretty hot. With his attitude her surely would have bagged at least one nurse.

    I am sure the nurses in heaven are hotter and the motorcycles are faster heck the beer is probably colder too.

  2. Ok, out of the gutter now...

    We moved, and I don't have room to bring the bike in at night anymore. Eventually, I'll have to store it at my dad's. I can ride into the 30s in the morning and night but I don't know when it's unsafe to let the bike sit in freezing temperatures.

    So how deep into freezing can it sit in the parking lot?

    usually until someone steals it.

  3. Depending on the height of the ceiling and the size of the room, this isn't a bad idea.

    I just sprayed the drop ceiling of a basement in a house I just bought, but I was spraying white paint because the grid was black and the tiles were white and I couldn't stand it. It was a PITA, but easier and quicker than replacing the whole grid.

    I dont have bad ideas, they are all good.

    They make snap on grip covers, although paint is cheaper.

    New house? What is that about?

  4. I didn't know her before Med School, so nope, but her parents/family didn't contribute at all, which sucks, but so is life. She makes plenty to pay them off early if we wanted to, but if we are making way more in investments than she is paying in Gov't finance charges then that wouldn't be smart.

    If we were trying they would be paid off in 3 years, but it wouldn't be of any benefit, he highest rate is about 8%, and thats on a 5 year loan. Which to me is weird, but she has 5yr, 8yr, and 30 yr, loans, the 5yr and 8yr, are the higher 2 rates, the 30 is like 3% or 4% or something, and we are making that on her savings alone, not even looking at the IRA or when she starts her 401K.

    Shi**y, wedding is Saturday(29th), locked it up :)

    EDIT:For the record, I didn't have an SL debt due to parents investments and scholarships, and we are using the same guy and already winning.

    Nice!!! I didnt bag a doctor but my old lady does anesthesia.

    We are going to leave her loans as long as possible and keep on investing.

    investment return > student loan interest

  5. I have seen wires hung strictly to the joists and the layout ends up making tile removal without damaging them, near impossible. For minimal clearance we always found it best to run 1 x strips across the bottoms of the joists so support wires could run straight up. Of course that does drop the ceiling down an additional 3/4", but its worth it if possible.

    Furring strips.

    That is the preffered method.

  6. As stated twice, this. My Fiance' is a Dr. and she had 0.00 help from her family what so ever so imagine her loans, same boat as you, more than my mtg payment.

    However, there wasn't a lower rate for her private loans available either, but some of that is becasue she didn't have much credit right out of college either. We've changed that, but after talking with our financial guy he advised to keep paying the mins and invest the rest of $$ into her IRA, 401K(Which she somehow missed the cutoff date to enroll AGAIN), and just worry about the SL's in the end.

    She has her rainy day cash on hand in a savings, her checking, and then IRA, and SL's. The SL's are the least of our worries at any given point. There isn't any reason to pay more than the min on them, unless they have a higher rate than a CCD, or than you are earning on your investments, in our case, we are earning more on her IRA already than paying in interest.

    congrats and lock it down !!!

  7. without reading the responses below. Typically the double walled stainless steel ducting was very expensive especially in the non idea installation. Newer units are about 95% efficient and only require a PVC exhaust vent. The additional cost is usually recovered in the initial installation.

  8. there are going to be riots in the hood where the typical patron pays with the "jingles".

    Being white I had to ask one of our african-american bretheren what the "jingles" are. For our appliatian american population "jingles" refer to loose change.

  9. Or... OR... you could built that helicopter you were talking about and invert the blades so it can hover upside down exactly 2" off the ground. Mowing time cut drastically.

    I thought you were and engineer? Overthining it as usual, just fly upside down 2" off the ground.

    Congrats on the house. I do agree with JBOT home ownership is a huge pain in the ass. If I were to do it all over again I would buy a house with its own mexican.

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