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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. So one of our uninsured friends from south of the border decided to hit my benz. The damage is not really that bad at all, but I don't want the car anymore cause of the dent. On to bigger and better things.

    I need a good detailer to make it all shiny and pretty so I can get rid of it. I would like a full paint correction to so not just a wash and wax. So who do you know?

  2. I'm saying the waiver is stupid, easily challenged AND makes EMTs sound like a bunch of untrained gorillas.

    To become a licensed EMT in Ohio, you must complete a formal training program and pass a 2-part certification examination. The training program typically includes around 130 hours of training, with 120 being classroom and ten hours being clinical experience.

  3. I lived on the 1700 block of E. 30th for a spell' date=' I was the only white dude in the whole neighborhood :o.

    Those were the days....I like to forget.[/quote']

    I would like to hear more about your distaste for blacks or is it the puerto ricans you didn't like living by?

  4. What exactly is "that lifestyle"? And who are you to make such assumptions about people?

    Unless you've had first hand experience with addiction' date=' and by firsthand I mean YOU,

    not someone you knew, then you have no idea what you're talking about. :nono:

    Props to you CrazySkullCrusher! And btw, who the hell is mikexup lol?[/quote']

    Yeah I don't think to have to be addicted to meth to know that it is a fucked up lifestyle and being addicted means you will do fucked up shit to get it.

  5. The smoking thing has definitely been difficult. I've cheated. A lot last week while on vacation. But I'm still on track. Definitely not a pack a day smoker anymore which is awesome. It's funny how much more I can smell (which in itself has been a blessing and a curse).

    I can't believe it's this weekend. I am going to try my hardest to get the 50 miles in. I may have been a bit too ambitious though when I registered. :lol:

    My ass is way more out of shape than I thought it was. But I'm still kicking. I'll post my progress on here as I can. I figure I'll be making quite a few stops. Haha.

    And for anyone interested, you can donate up until October something. The money doesn't have to be in by this weekend.

    don't worry we will smack that ass when we go by you.

  6. You ladies are worse than a seweing circle when you get together with your rumors. Shittygsxr, explain to me how having the will power and strength to overcome TWO incredibly strong addictions and stay clean for 7 years would somehow make me more likely to fuck someone over. You don't like me, that's fine. Keep my fucking name out of your mouth and we can continue to be civil.

    Congrats on overcoming your addictions. However people that come from that lifestyle are usually piss poor with money. Often they have a lot of people they have to make amends with and repay what they have taken. Honestly I think the OP should have taken a deposit (earnest money) from whomever the buyer was and it was a lesson learned.

    If someone didn't have a big fistful of money I wouldn't even bother talking with them about an item I was selling.

    It seems that you have a temper that is barely under control and I do remember your thread with Sam so I will leave it at that

  7. there are about 10 people from here helping with the moto support. I do know that they are short on volunteers at a couple of the water stops. I am meeting with the Pelotonia staff and consultants tonight so I will askwhat areas beyond water stops that they still need help with.

  8. evening would be better, planning to be in cleveland that day so not sure when Ill be home. or i can just meet up with you at a different time.

    I'll email everyone my office address and have a bag of crap for them. The email will go out tomorrow

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