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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. That is the classy rooters, the girls there look like the would date white (or Peruvian ) guys
  2. They are finally starting to release parts for the typhoon conversion so I might keep it and see what happens
  3. I can get you some info but my first aid vehicles will be staffed by srna (student registered nurse anestitists) so they are top notch. Nobody is going to get seriously hurt on my watch. Bikesource has offered to provide some basic bicycle maintenance courses for us before the event. Adrian if you are motivated you are welcome to help coordinate some of the efforts. It is more than I ca handle by myself and I wil l not deny someone who is eager the chance to shine.
  4. I have 18 volunteers and will be adding two bicycle riders in the next couple of days. My goal is 60 volunteers ( motorcycle escort and first aid) along with 10 bicycle riders. If enough of you dick squeezers help out I will put on my spandex and ride the bicycle
  5. as long as it doesn't sound like an straight piped harley you are good to go. If you feel it is a bit loud just kick it up another gear
  6. "Me" is you. Because it's just you out there. We don't have any corporate sponsors, we don't have any fancy team owners. We have you. And this car, and this cougar, which symbolizes the fear that you have overcome. It's all there for you.
  7. Touche I have too many costly hobbies though
  8. if a set of rear tires wasnt about $700. I would bring out the AMG and get some tire smoke going for you
  9. we will determine that when we get a bit closer to the event last year there was only one route this year it does split at one point. It really is pretty easy. Mostly just calling the command center if you find someone that needs help and closing off intersections when necessary
  10. what category are these in on your site?
  11. Ok Brandon. Lets start whoring out space on your bike. How much for the windscreen?
  12. Registration is open at Pelotonia.org and only takes a few minutes. You will not have the option of registering for motorcycle escort, that is why you need to send me your participant ID so I can get you added. Our "peloton" is at the following link https://www.mypelotonia.org/team_profile.jsp?MemberID=177171&SearchStart=0&PAGING My wife is also coordinating the SAG vehicles, basically support vehicles for riders that need help. Usually medical support (first aid and dehydration). My hope is to have about 50 volunteers and I would love to have 10 bicycle riders for the event also.
  13. Just remember, If you're ain't first, you're last.
  14. Actually the prosecution must prove that there is enough evidence to show that it was not in self defense and then charge the shooter
  15. Thanks! once I get some more of our people lined up I will get your duties assigned to motorcycle escort
  16. Thank god. I thought I was Fucking taking crazy pills. Trashy cars get trashy women.
  17. If this is going to be your "I'm single and looking to get ass" car I would advise against a Pontiac
  18. anyone that has registered pelotonia.org please let me know your ID#
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