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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and having to shit. I remember drinking a "table" of beer too.
  2. Pelotonia riders, Ross and I will be coordinating the Motorcycle escort as well as the SAG vehicles again this year. If you need a peloton to join let us know and we will add you to ours, we will be a part of team buckeye again.
  3. Make no mistake the process will take a whole lot longer
  4. Ahh the Mercedes of shitters. I tend to enjoy the finer things in life! Cripple stall and baby wipes ftmfw
  5. There are plugs that go onto all unused outputs on both devices
  6. I figured as much but you better hang out Saturday night this time. I had way too much fun
  7. my latest attempt to make millions of dollars on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HEVq7cvLsg
  8. BMW's are nice and FAST, I had a M5 race me on the highway. He was walking me in my Benz, then i noticed he was racing so i hit the gas. Those headlights looked sick in my rear view mirror
  9. I didn't know Jeff's last name. I am not real keen on getting shot but I dont need a place in New Albany either I think this place is next to dyno brian http://columbus.craigslist.org/off/2901696786.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/off/2893468910.html
  10. part of being able to afford an audi is being able to get a new one when your warranty runs out.
  11. The zx10 will be a little bit longer this year too
  12. I am sure there are places in less "diverse" neighborhoods
  13. Bitches love motorcycles no matter what their age. I am sure it would make him feel like a badass
  14. We could build a powder coat oven too
  15. Because my time in Columbus may be limited I can't commit to purchasing anything . There is a shop, I believe, next to Jeff's (tint guy) for 400 a month and a couple on morse near Easton for the same. So it would only take a couple of people to get the cost down. Sharing tools and having a place to hang out would be worth 100-200 a month
  16. I am tired of having my garage full of bikes tool and want them somewhere else and I don't mind sharing. Within reason
  17. Is anyone interested in renting a property maybe as a clubhouse, workshop or place to store their bikes or car? At a minimum i need to rent a couple garages but maybe a commercial building shared with some people may be more fun
  18. Ninjanick can get a group together, he is the man in dayton.
  19. We need some students to ride along with our drivers, but at least we try and have fun. Our feats of strength competitions are legendary. Including phone book tearing, who can hold their hand in ice water longest, extended arm garbage can lift and hold, ect.
  20. the hours we are open are m-f from 6am -6pm
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