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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. its a shame when government policy affects the markets more than economic factors
  2. Its probably to keep the street from being filled with broke down POS cars
  3. This weekend I will be attempting to block traffic in my spandex for 100 miles. Swingset I will send you the route so you can boo and hiss as I make my way through Granville
  4. I think you encounter different riders than I do. Most people that I encounter on my Saturday morning rides in the country often slow and politely wave as they pass by. Maybe seeing a group of people getting exercise and enjoying the outdoors puts them in a good mood. With as lazy and over weight as the US has become I hope the uptick in bicycle riding continues for a long time, lord knows this country needs it. Next time you have to pass a skinny rider ask your self if you would rather deal with him or another overweight person blocking the door at walmart.
  5. I can't believe I have to explain this to a motorcycle rider. If you ride the shoulder cars do not pass safely. If you ride in the lane they slow down and pass when it is safe. If you have ridden more than 100 miles on a motorcycle someone in a car has tried sharing your lane.
  6. That right there is the reason your girlfriend will go only one time and be done. Go for the road bike and call it a day
  7. Udell what's going on? I'm gonna be on the bicycle this weekend so wave as you pass me
  8. I started of with a cheapish $600 bike a few months ago and 6k later I am almost done buying stuff
  9. I dont know if I can work 113 jobs, maybe just one would be nice. I will have to take a look. Thanks for the heads up
  10. If you want a phone you can use without issue get an iphone. If you want a phone you have to fuck with all of the time get anything android
  11. shittygsxr

    Mj usa

    I wonder if more bikes were stolen from his shop than the number of stolen bikes found at his shop
  12. there is a guy on ebay out of columbus that sells the stuff pretty cheap http://www.ebay.com/sch/dbarlow39/m.html?hash=item25705c28f6&item=160798877942&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&rt=nc&_trksid=p4340.l2562
  13. I only own thee stocks, I have one short position and one option.
  14. I hope you guys are all having a good day with the market. I might jump a spot or two. Here is my big gainer today ticker: EXC120616C00039000
  15. It seems like you were considerate of your neighbors when you bought your little girl bike. If only Swinger has a bunch of Mo's racing their 250's down this street he wouldn't have needed to start this thread
  16. well that is until he decides to swerve over at the last moment when there is a stopped vehicle in front of him.
  17. That was cool of the manager, but it is amazing how hard it is to get people to take your money anymore. They are in the business of selling food they should be very attentive to groups who want to eat.
  18. What night do the races go down? I need to trailer down the zx10
  19. Chicago is always a great destination. Food, museums, food and great food
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