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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. Im not riding Saturday but here is a ride

    DATE: Saturday, May 4

    TIME: Meet at 7:45 am, launch at 8:00 am

    RIDES: There will be two options; if interest is sufficient we will do both rides:

    * A 60 mile ride, particularly important for those preparing for TOSRV the following weekend

    * A 40 mile ride

    Departs from new Albany behind Starbucks, look for the group of people in spandex


    Prospect Ride- Leave from the ballpark

    Saturday, May 4

    Depart at 9:00am

    Approx. 32 miles round trip

  2. that's why we need to invest in R&D, to make it more efficient, Germany has a solar grid that works wonderfully, and they have half the useable sunlight per square mile as the US

    If you don't believe education is an investment, then you probably get your news from the dropouts.

    We don't need to spend more than the next 26 countries combined, how about we spend just a little more than our closest ally and call it a day? We also don't need to be in endless eternal war all over the world, get our troops home, get them real jobs. If someone tries to INVADE us or declare war on us, then let's actually declare war on them, blow them to smithereens, and then bring our people and our shit back home. enough with the world policing, enough with the nation building abroad. Bomb the shit out of them, go the fuck home.

    Who is this guy with the sensible viewpoints?

  3. There will be a ride on Saturday morning from New Albany.

    DATE: Saturday, April 27

    TIME: Meet at 8:15 am, launch at 8:30

    LAUNCH: from the parking lot behind VeloScience Bike Works and the OSU Family Practice on Market Street (220 Market Street)

    RIDE: 40 miles—would also like to consider a 50 mile option if anyone is interested…need to get ready for TOSRV

  4. This is the second time I've seen something like this, where a person steps

    in as a new member seeking friends and riding buddies, only to be harassed

    right from the start, before they've even had a chance to get off of the

    doormat. One left stomping and snorting, and the other, the poor thing, left

    with a whimper.

    And for this, we should be proud? I think not. Unless the Mods step up and

    say enough, the reputation of the OhioRiders forum can only suffer.


    Second time? Either you haven't been looking or been around long enough.

  5. What I hear of happening a lot is hot headed douchebags with an Internet forum law degree arguing when asked to either leave or take their firearm to the car. It's always the same argument too "I can legally carry this gun, I'm not leaving" well maybe you are legal, but once asked to leave and you refuse..... well then you get into trespassing, menancing, inciting a panic ect.

    If asked to leave, pay your bill and leave.

    I am with you, if they don't want your money then go somewhere else. The economy still kind of sucks and there are businesses that could use your support

  6. Note to self- if you are going to be a dumb ass and lock yourself out of the house don't have your neighbor break into the only open window which happens to be you room when you have adult novelty items everywhere

    Pics or it didn't happen

  7. I've always told my friends when it comes to girls life is like a batting cage, so swing at everything because you can't strike out but every now and then you can knock a homerun out. Hit on whom ever be respectful who gives a shit if she laughs at you. If she's rude about it just turn around and shout like your yelling to a friend in the distance, "yeah I told you she has herpes, can i call em or what".

    good advice

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