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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. Anyone riding tonight after work? Gonna be nice!

    ---TUESDAY RIDE-----------

    TIME CHANGE: Launch at 6:30 pm (this is a temporary change just for this ride)

    LAUNCH LOCATION: see below in New Albany

    DATE: Tuesday, April 23rd

    TIME: Meet at 6:00 pm, leave at 6:15 pm

    PLACE: Meet in New Albany, parking lot behind OSU New Albany Family Practice--240A Market Street (beside Starbucks)

    RIDE: 20 miles

    AFTER RIDE: Join in Rusty Bucket for conversation and whatever else

  2. The following rules will be strictly enforced. These apply to any medium offered by this site whether it be private messages, threads, posts, group messages, visitor messages, arcade comments, etc. You can say it, you can think it, you can call your buddy up and tell him all about it, but don't do it on this website:

    General Disregard for Others - 1pt

    Excessive Attention Whoring - 1pt

    Posting Items for Sale Without a Price - 1pt

    Abuse of website - 2pts

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    NWS Avatar - 2pts

    Multiple Accounts - 3pts

    Post under another's username without permission - 3pts

    Excessive Leg Humping / Sexism - 3pts

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    Wishing Bodily Harm and/or Wreck - 3pts

    Threats of Violence - 6pts

    Racism - 6pts

    Purposely Damaging Personal Property - 12pts

    Purposely Causing Bodily Harm - 24pts

    Spamming - 24pts

    3pts = 3 day ban

    6pts = 7 day ban

    9pts = 1 month ban

    12pts = 1yr ban (subject to probation upon return)

    24pts = permanent ban

    Based on the rules and a review of this thread, ban hammer should be coming down for a few.

    So are we going to see your tits or not revelstoker?

    • Upvote 1
  3. Have to say, this whole thread is rather pathetic.

    OR is for motorcylists in and around Ohio and if a girls comes here to actually participate in the sport, she would probably be scared away. Congrats on being mature motorcycling enthusiasts and welcoming someone to the sport and the site.

    Mods should have stepped in here along time ago and with the few other threads where girls have joined.

    Leave the welcome and ride threads to simply that. If someone chooses to engage in other content in the Time Waster sections then so be it.

    For shame, most of you. And welcome to the OP. (assuming this isn't a troll thread)

    Show us your tits

    • Upvote 1
  4. Won't let me rep you again yet CRB, so I will just leave this here!

    The first post on this was very juvenial and I think you really showed the kind of person you are. I have never met you and dont want to judge you over posting on the interwebz but you made yourself sound like a little fuck. IMHO. John you are getting pretty close to that as well. If you dont want a ticket, pay the freakin meter. how hard is that? You guys act like the meter people have some vendetta against you guys or something.

    John is a badass dude and spends most of his time living near downtown. Yes the parking meter system in Columbus is setup to fuck with people and yes the metermaids get boners from their contribution to society.

    Near the courthouse three is no parking until 8 coincidentally that is the exact time traffic court starts so you roll up at 7:55 feed the meter and get a ticket at 7:59am.

    Red light cameras are not placed at the most dangerous intersections they are placed at the intersections that generate the most revenue.

    It's about money nothing else. I can't tell you ho pissed the metermaids outside my dorm got when I would see them and run outside and feed all the meters

  5. He wasn't walking around a busy city trying to draw attention... He was on a rural hike in an area he claims to have coyotes and mountain lions... Not unreasonable to carry a weapon for protection.

    Plus, it doesn't matter what people's reactions might be... He didn't break a law

    Your train of thought is exactly the problem in this country right now.

    Your last comment is absurd... "open carrying a semi automatic rifle, that could easily blow down a group of people"..... Umm.... Handguns can kill people too... They also have the same rate of fire (hence being semi auto).... You can also blow down a group of people with a car.. Guess those need banned too.... FFS....

    I don't understand how citizens of this country are so ready to piss away their rights and freedoms for political correctness and protecting people's feelings

    Because racecar

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