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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. 2 Things 1. Amazing artwork 2. Hello Mr. Smith. It is good to hear from you.
  2. You sounds like me. Just had to get an LSX Car. 86 Mustang GT 88 Mustang GT 95 Cobra 96 Cobra And finally an 02 Z06
  3. Shawn. Do you still have this dyno?
  4. Call up Ed Curtis from Flow Tech Induction and get a cam for that car.
  5. Thanks 1/2 a motor. I Heart You TOO!!!!
  6. LOL Check out the first page of that link. Some serious engineering to get that vette motor down in the Civic. As far as Phil and Brian go. Chill guys. We are all car people. It would be a boring world if we all liked the same cars. Variety is the spice of life. (Probe and a ZO6) I like them for different reasons.
  7. Brian, I can tell you some stories how Doctors diagnosed my mother wrong for many years. It finally took her going to one more Doctor to get her sugar under control.
  8. Maybe I should go get some oil for the old 2 stroke snow blower then.
  9. I am sure they don't I guess this will give me an excuse to get the 4 wheelers out and raise hell on Broad St.
  10. Must figure out a way to use the dyno in snow. Perhaps use it as a really big sled.
  11. I guess this means money for some of our fellow CR members. For me it is a big pain in the ass!!
  12. I have a bunch of tranny fluid in the shop. Maybe I need to get a fuel solenoid and nozzle and do some James Bond additions to the cobra. J/K Well kind of..
  13. LOL I use boost to clean out my car
  14. Had both the Cobra and Laurens car on the seafoam last summer. Looked like the building was on fire.
  15. We have went from a message board of racing to shit paper and porn.
  16. I swear they put LS1's in everything these days. LOL http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j90/highpsimr2/Picture084.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.honda-tech.com/showthread.php%3Ft%3D2004368%26page%3D18&usg=__b0b_fmQD_ftPCYKUP6xxdFpwFjQ=&h=679&w=1024&sz=275&hl=en&start=16&um=1&tbnid=ElmJTV3EkttVCM:&tbnh=99&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhot%2Bgirl%2Bloves%2BLS1%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
  17. My guess is you need something bigger in terms of airflow vs voltage then a lightning maf
  18. You are making a mistake if you sell the ecm. They are becoming harder and harder to find. I am sitting on a couple of them and they are not going anywhere.
  19. Should be one Fast Z06 then.
  20. Good luck with people cleaning up.
  21. PM Please i did not have any luck finding a torrent for it.
  22. DTM Brian

    What To Buy?

    2.8H Kennebell and a Return Style Fuel System for the Cobra. 700RWHP or Bust
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