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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. Contact Hoblick. There may be others on here that can help you as well.
  2. What are you doing with the 750?
  3. Be sure to bring it over to the dyno so we can see how much power they make stock.
  4. Just got home from another 12 hour day at the dyno. I would still be there working into the AM hours if it was not for a heater hose that melted on the down pipe of a supra. We decided to call it quits tonight and resume tomorrow in the AM. I have a big mess to clean up first. I will still be doing bike pulls in between tuning the supra. As far as cheeseburger goes that would be a negative ghost rider.
  5. I have been bad with PM's Bring your chips out and I will get you taken care of.
  6. Just got Anthonys voicemail. You are welcome to change jets on the dyno based on the A/F readings we get on your car. I charge $100.00 for an hour of dyno time with unlimited runs. I suggest bring a friend who can help you with the changing of the jets. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
  7. Glad you are ok and able to talk about fixing your jacket.
  8. This Color Scheme Yup. I think I want one. I can then hang out with Sam Busa and his sheep!!
  9. 12pm to 4pm Includes Air/Fuel
  10. Looking forward to tuning your new project. PS I heart Sam Busa as well. Sheep or no sheep you guys rock.
  11. I know tomorrow is mother's day. I plan on taking my mother out to an early lunch and then I will have the rest of the day free. The $25.00 will be good for sunday as well. If you want to come out tomorrow be sure to give me a call so I know to be there 614-778-8984
  12. I just want to know when I can hang out with you guys again. SILF FTW!!
  13. Shoot me a phone call at 778-8984 when you get off work.
  14. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Motorcycle+Dynamometer
  15. I do have one car to tune around 2:00 pm. I will be running the bike dyno both before and after the car tune. Look for me to be at the dyno around noon. If you are interested in getting pulls and missed the dyno day in april then post in this thread and I will be sure to get you on the roller.
  16. Done. And I managed to pull all my weeds as well. Now it is off to the dyno to tune a bike and do a 6.0 Chevy Truck Tune.
  17. Stock Z rated rubber as far as I know.
  18. My "Friend" Lauren gave me her car to take to Kilkare last night. Best pass of the night was: 1.9668 60' 8.4198 1/8 86.67 mph 12.9976 1/4 107.66 mph. Coolant Temp was 198 at the begining of the run and 208 at the end. Not bad for just a magnaflow catback, SLP Lid, and Tune
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