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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. Good times for sure. See you then.
  2. They should have given the motor some cubes.
  3. Brian, I have a TA coming from WV on the 28th with a Kentucky Turbo Kit. It is going to be a 2Bar SD setup. You should come over and check it out.
  4. Sounds good. I will be at the dyno all weekend.
  5. I have a couple Lexuses from Georgia to dyno and then I will be game.
  6. For those who know Ace I have his car at the dyno and I am trying to get as many of parts off of it as I can and return it back to some what stock so he does not get dinged by the bank for taking parts off of it. Looking for a set of injectors. They can be stock pieces from an old school fox body or ford truck to injectors from an LT1 or LS1. I just need a set to drop in the motor so I can say it has injectors. Give me a call if you have something that would work. 614-778-8984
  7. Use a sheep to keep you warm On a serious note... RIP
  8. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e02_1280868844
  9. Mission Accomplished That's how I fucking roll!!!!
  10. LOL You are right. I have one scheduled for saturday as well.
  11. Yami owners, After doing some research and sitting down to figure out a game plan to tune these bikes I believe I have a solution. In the past I have turned these bikes away for tuning. However I will be tuning a 09 R1 this saturday and I expect to get the same great results. If you are interested in getting your fly by Yami tuned feel free to shoot me an e-mail. MobileDyno@aol.com
  12. I think it is time for me to purchase a Term Lab Josh. I am sure I could it get to pay for itself in no time flat. Sam, From what I understand it is not low bass frequencies that tear up your ear drums. Its the higher tones that kill your hearing. Then again I do not see how these guys sit in a truck at 160+ db without hearing protection.
  13. 311 OPM Companies Drive Galloway, OH 43119
  14. $10.00 for 1 Pull with Air/Fuel $20.00 for 3 Pulls with Air/Fuel Question: Why are you doing dyno pulls for only $10.00? Answer: Because I had a number of calls asking for it. So bring your 1 dollar bills and place your bets on how much power a bike is making on the dyno. I will do a short pull in a lower gear to clean the tire off and to put heat in it to make sure it does not spin on the actual pull. Cliffs: If you are smoking outside the shop please bring your cig butts and throw them in a bucket. I will have one marked for them. Same goes for your trash. Please bring it in the shop and throw it away. If you are just doing 1 pull please try to have the exact amount. I do not run out of $5.00 bills breaking a $20.00 for 1 pull. Please come and leave the shop quietly. It saves me from a "headache" the next day. Be sure to call your friends with bikes and let them know of the dyno night. If you are coming from out of town to dyno and we get to midnight I will do my best to stay over and keep making pulls. I will probably have to close the large shop doors during the run to keep the noise down for the neighborhood behind the shop.
  15. BIKES ONLY Cars: Your next dyno night is coming again soon. $10.00 for 1 Pull with Air/Fuel $20.00 for 3 Pulls with Air/Fuel Question: Why are you doing dyno pulls for only $10.00? Answer: Because I had a number of calls asking for it. Plus bikes are very easy to set up compared to a car. So bring your 1 dollar bills and place your bets on how much power a bike is making on the dyno. I will do a short pull in a lower gear to clean the tire off and to put heat in it to make sure it does not spin on the actual pull. Cliffs: If you are smoking outside the shop please bring your cig butts and throw them in a bucket. I will have one marked for them. Same goes for your trash. Please bring it in the shop and throw it away. If you are just doing 1 pull please try to have the exact amount. I do not run out of $5.00 bills breaking a $20.00 for 1 pull. Please come and leave the shop quietly. It saves me from a "headache" the next day. Be sure to call your friends with bikes and let them know of the dyno night.
  16. Sam, I only have the two shades of tint. Any idea what you have on the windows now?
  17. $125.00 for 2 Door Models $150.00 for 4 Door Models 20% and 35% available. Please e-mail me at mobiledyno@aol.com to schedule an appointment. Only day that is not available to tint is thrusday.
  18. $125.00 for 2 Door Models $150.00 for 4 Door Models 20% and 35% available. Please e-mail me at mobiledyno@aol.com to schedule an appointment. Only day that is not available to tint is thrusday.
  19. Correct. As soon as I can I am going to ride out and have a look at it. He is wanting me to let him use my bike to mock up a kit.
  20. I am going to ride out to his shop the next day that I do not have work and it is not raining and check it out. I will let you know what I find out.
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