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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. Trade you a dyno tune for everything $150.00 value to OR. ($200.00 Reg Price)
  2. Hmm. A 2010 Camaro might be heavier then the hot rod lincoln.
  3. I bet you failed math in school.
  4. I think it is time for Doc to chime in as I think it would be best to hear the results from him.
  5. After talking with Doc and Wagner I have finally decided to post the graph.
  6. Keep waiting. Just the opposite See my response above.
  7. Damn Ryan. Looks like your busy. You keep this up and I bet the wife is going to be expecting something really nice for Xmas. LOL
  8. +1 Bad idea to start it and turn around and shut it off. Condensation in the oil and all those dry starts for no reason. Park it and let it sit.
  9. Thank you for coming out Ryan.
  10. What he said. If you do not have a way of hosting pics you can e-mail them to one of many people on here (I can help) and they will get them hosted for you.
  11. Several concerns have come up regarding the building. I am having to do more research then I originally expected.
  12. Glad you are hear to tell us about it.
  13. DUDE!!! I thought the same damn thing. I went to two different stations last night coming home from the dyno and the shit was playing. Give me a break!!!
  14. Last minute decision tonight. I spent a good part of this evening cleaning and putting tools away. I need to over in the A.M. and try to finish things up.
  15. Website shows Dec 15th http://www.atvaonline.com/ride/wayne.asp
  16. Pop a wheelie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh2Qng6BLAU
  17. Well for those who want to hang out and listen on the radio should come on over.
  18. I think Kenny would call this guy a fag.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DyQ4MpGXs0&feature=related
  20. No TV Somone bring a tv and converter box. Can always listen to it on the radio.
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