Most of those driving around in the newest trucks are Capt or above in rank or have been a FF for many many years!! Just look a what the firefighters drive and then what the LT, Capt and above drive... Most have the new, nice stuff because their pay is a lot more then mine as a firefighter with just 8.5yrs in. If a new firefighter drives a brand new truck, then he either knows how to manage money, single/no kids, wife makes good bank or is broke as shit!! Lol. Believe me, I've been there done that (broke as shit part)! Also, most have 2nd jobs because we can and our schedule allows us to. I use to have a PT job, but after working 112hrs every 2 weeks the FD and then working 50-60hrs extra at my PT job, it got OLD quick!! I never had time for myself and my family. Some guys have to work PT jobs to pay for child support, or other things like the rest of us! It's life man, got to do what u can to make it!