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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. RC51 John

    IMG 2125

    Ewww, she's got meeses living in her hair?
  2. Julie said she would do burnout's and stoppies tonight.
  3. Peanut cause has a higher smoke temp.
  4. What the fuck. You are selling her to a Michigander? Oh ... I don't feel so well ....
  5. Ooooo, Leo Vince. They look good. Now fix that tail, ewww.
  6. Will we finally get to see your new ride? It is not you pansy. I'm in.
  7. your sins and renounce this evil sale. The awesomeness of the RC will haunt your soul. It sucks to hear you are leaving the family, but I understand you pain. No, I really understand his pain.
  8. Damn good to hear you are okay and the bike can be repaired.
  9. Damn, it's good to see you are in one piece. I've had a close call with a deer already. Looking at your injuries makes me want to get leather pants. You didn't lose both knee caps did you?
  10. When you can't sleep at 3 AM. It's this or the Sham Wow infomercials.
  11. Ha ha. Looks like a SyFy movie.
  12. Not it will probably be skin grafts that hit him.
  13. I was in, but I can't get my bike out right now. Also it's apparently call John day.
  14. Every bike wreck I've been in there was something not 5 feet away that probably would have killed me.
  15. Psst ... the 20st century said it's okay you can let go and move to the 21st.
  16. Sorry to hear about the Kat. Heal up quick Moose.
  17. I was talking about you wasting quarters at the arcade.
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