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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. Keep quite until you upgrade to tungsten carbide.
  2. Welcome to FI. What will be next indoor plumbing and texting? If I didn't have prior commitment's I would go, though it's looking pretty gray out side.
  3. I think it look pretty tarded, but it is a personal preference. I've heard of people being pulled over because the rear ire obstructs it.
  4. lol I had this album (yes vinyl) way back when.
  5. Run DMC is the shit. Here's some PE. Cause the white man is keeping us down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PaoLy7PHwk
  6. If you need to advertise how well you are keeping up with the Jones you deserve to be robbed blind. Blippy cofounder responds to credit card leak: “It’s a lot less bad than it looks”
  7. RIP. n00bs on big bikes?? I remember a time when salesmen would steer new riders away from these death dealing machines.
  8. Wow, that sucks. It came off the stock mount?
  9. I'm in. Let me know what you need.
  10. There's nothing like watching 19 year old stripper crack whore freak out cause they wanna take her drugs away.
  11. Fashionably late too kiddie. Good to see and meet everyone. It was a bit of a chilly ride home
  12. Good to hear you like your new bike. I have always liked the VFR and when the time comes will probably go that route too.
  13. RC51 John


    Ewww, he just ate cat poop.
  14. I though we were going to have to schedule an intervention.
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