Uhhmm you have it backwards with bikes my friend. That bike can handle a helluva lot more then you can give it so just take it slow and learn as much as possible. You try pushing it too soon and you are gonna end up hurt. There are allot of reactions that you have to teach your brain to ignore/overcome when it comes to bikes. Example, cars into a corner too fast, you hit the brakes and slow down. You do that with a bike and you can kiss your ass good bye. Learn to look through the corners and if you see something that catches your eye, you need to look away from it immediately or else you will hit it. Bikes like to be on the throttle when going through a corner. Youre rear brake hates you. There is gravel everywhere. Etc. etc. You should look into getting a copy of Twist of the Wrist and reading it and practicing what it says as it will help you more then you can belive.