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Everything posted by flounder

  1. So quick question.. Is this ride still happening. Weather.com is showing thunderstorms all day tomorrow. http://www.weather.com/weather/wxdetail/USOH0655?dayNum=1&from=36hr_topnav_undeclared
  2. Thanks for the invite fuggers.
  3. ^^^^^ He said Booger Hook.. Im definitely going to be using that from now one. Hob, do you think your wife would be more comfortable if it was loaded but in a holster? That way their is less concern on her part about moving the firearm as the holster gives many people an added layer of mental safety comfort when handling a firearm.
  4. looks like shit.. I would never send anything to him.. ... just playing.. that is badass.
  5. Black... Check out Pedro's rims.. Those look nice and he basically has the same colors as you.. you should consider a black rim with a white center strip or a red rim with a black or red center stripe.
  6. Personally I think the PM thingy needs to be changed. It doesnt need to be as restrictive as it currently is.
  7. Yeah thats where we usually go also. Thats the lot basically at the end before you have to turn where the porta john is right?
  8. Pull it off.. You will be hard pressed to find a racer with a chain guard unless it is something like a shark fin for crashes. If your still riding street, the well, its up to you.. my streetbike has one on but my track bike does not.
  9. My point is that you are creating very bad habits IMO. With her always under the assumption that its unloaded she will be more likely to treat it that way. Its going to be that one time that you forget to unload it that something bad may happen. Do what your comfortable with but just realize that you are creating bad habits. Im confused that if your wife goes to the range all the time, and is "quite good" why she is uncomfortable with a loaded firearm. Im not nit picking here or trying to be a dick but I want people to be safe around firearms and what your saying is contradictory and confusing to me.
  10. No offense but if your wife isnt comfortable handling your gun with a round in it then she shouldnt be handling it at all. Thats a fact.. Either teach her how to handle a firearm (which you should do anyway) or tell her to keep her hands off of it. There is no room for a middle ground on this one. There are more accidental deaths each year from people that think guns are "unloaded" then the opposite. Firearms should always be handled as if they are loaded because its going to be that one time you forget to unload it that some accident happens because your wife "thinks" that its always unloaded. If she is always expecting it to be loaded, then there will be no accident from her thinking its unloaded when it really wasnt. There is no argument here. You are setting up a very bad environment for your wife around your firearm and anyone will tell you that especially a firearms instructor. TEACH HER THAT ITS ALWAYS LOADED AND HOW TO HANDLE IT LOADED, AND SHE WILL TREAT ALL FIREARMS AS THOUGH THEY ARE ALWAYS LOADED. ALL FIREARMS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED LOADED UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE BY YOURSELF AND NOT SOMEONE ELSE OR A BAD HABIT OF JUST THINKING IT SHOULD BE UNLOADED!!!
  11. Anyone notice anything on this guys hip.. Pass him and you get capped.
  12. Horray.. Todd hits the 1000 post count in his own thread. :)
  13. I have my gun loaded all the time. My gun is also also always in the holster even when Im not wearing it. The chance of you pulling the gun out of its holster in your sleep and then firing it is extremely low. The people that dont leave one in the chamber are the people that are not 100% comfortable with a loaded firearm around them. To be honest, this is something that allot of people go through when they first start dealing with firearms or CCW. Comfort with a loaded chamber will come with time for most.
  14. As much as I would love to have one. I dont have the space.
  15. Leave one chambered.. whats the point of a gun for protection with no bullet in the chamber.
  16. I just tried looking up the number but could only find expert 155 and a novice 155 from tx back in 2001
  17. Picts of everything, year, specs, weight, etc.
  18. IS the rear a 190/50 or 190/55... I just want to make sure. and is the front a race or a prc.
  19. You didnt give any indication of your riding ability so you may want to direct the chill pill back at yourself. All you said was you wanted to push the limits of your bike and I gave some friendly advice.. At no point did I call you a squid or say your a dumbass or anything I would usually say to someone I thought was being a dumb ass. Re-read what I posted and you will realize that everything I said is was nothing more then things to consider doing with your bike and friendly advice to keep someone safe. ..
  20. Uhhmm you have it backwards with bikes my friend. That bike can handle a helluva lot more then you can give it so just take it slow and learn as much as possible. You try pushing it too soon and you are gonna end up hurt. There are allot of reactions that you have to teach your brain to ignore/overcome when it comes to bikes. Example, cars into a corner too fast, you hit the brakes and slow down. You do that with a bike and you can kiss your ass good bye. Learn to look through the corners and if you see something that catches your eye, you need to look away from it immediately or else you will hit it. Bikes like to be on the throttle when going through a corner. Youre rear brake hates you. There is gravel everywhere. Etc. etc. You should look into getting a copy of Twist of the Wrist and reading it and practicing what it says as it will help you more then you can belive.
  21. I would be scared to grab the thing.. It if can crack open a coconut with those claws. Imagine what it could do to your arm and definitely kiss your fingers goodbye.
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