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Everything posted by flounder

  1. For entry level, go Horton, You can spend a pretty penny on crossbows just like anything else. Things to always remember 1. Never dry fire any bow!!!!! 2. Never fire an arrow that is too light. Result is almost the same as dry firing!!! 3. Inspect the arrows for cracks or chips, cams, and strings before every outing!!! 4. Always keep pointed in safe direction..
  2. Why not just wrap the leader around your triple and connect it to itself.
  3. Tom, why don you run the .308 and have kawi run the AR.. Right there is your team.
  4. He hasnt even had a chance to shoot them yet.
  5. Already have a partner but there are plenty of others looking for partners, especially someone with a precision AR. Ill see the guy organizing the event tonight so Ill talk with him if you want. Thus the reason for the pic I sent you this morning.
  6. So turns out my buddy already has 2-3 of their cans so I will check them out and let you know. Of course I probably wont have time to check them out by the time the GB is closed.
  7. God dammit.. Just ordered one yesterday
  8. Yes, they are $7K-$10K to buy and have installed and for those you definitely have to have an auto transfer switch. My 6250/5500 will run everything in my house except the furnace as my house is 100% electric. The trick is watching the power on surge's. For example, I'll see everything dim if the sump and well pump kick on at the same time and if I had turned on the oven or stove then as well, im sure I would overload it. But I do have a fireplace in case I need heat.
  9. Baffle design has a lot to to with PIO shift, cold bore shift, grouping capability, etc. You have to rememeber that a suppressor is taking 50KSI in pressure and redirecting that gas as well as turning it into heat to create sound suppression. Some cans will work great for the first few rounds and then as they heat up, they will start to string shots, change in tone etc. If you are just shooting at 100-300 yards and are shooting 6 inch groups, probably not going to impact you. No for a precision shooter, when a can starts to heat up and start having PIO shifts, group size changes, etc. This could mean that you completely miss your target at further ranges. Remember, 100-300 is nothing like shooting 600-1800 yards.
  10. You only send power back to the lines if you forget to flip the main. How do you think this was done before automatic transfer switches. I typically keep painters tape over the genie breaker with "Turn off Main" written on it in sharpie, that way I dont forget,
  11. Well you seem to be forgetting that your not stepping up the current as well. Hell a spark plug is 25-30K V but that wont kill you because there is no current. And Tesla coils can be in the 100's if not millions of V and wont kill you.
  12. That may be true but when it comes to quality and precision, buy once cry once and the TBAC 30P-1 is basically the top rated precision can on the market.. Dont buy a can just because of price.. Quality is key, especially on a precision rifle.
  13. Ive seen this GB going on and it could turn out to be a helluva deal. Unfortunately I have not seen and POI shift or accuracy results but still looking like they could be a contender in the precision suppressor market. Im still a big fan of Thunderbeast at this point but I may have to see what it takes to play with a demo can of one of the Archangels and Ark556
  14. I dont know that anyone here would be interested or setup to do something like this but figured I would post just in case for those "lurkers" that I know have some pocketed skills Those that have been shooting our matches know that we press surrounding skill sets as much as marksmanship. Attention to detail, observation, problem solving, stress, overcoming distraction, technical knowledge, skill with equipment, all of it. So now we're doing a sniper team match, and I have a whole new toy box to open up and play with. Concepts I don't get to test shooters on in an individual effort competition. Teamwork, communication, shared knowledge.... Expect all the same long range shooting challenges, but prepare to be tested as a TEAM in all aspects. The ideas are spilling onto paper like water at this point, and I am having FUN just writing this one up. Where: Mifflin County Sportsmen's Assoc. 400 Ellen Chapel Ln, Lewistown PA When: 10/6/12, Saturday, 0800 The team format is shooter-spotter. This is not a CQB type match for the spotter. He will be backing up the long gun. Precision shots from 100 to 1025Y. Spotter from 25 to perhaps 600Y or so. Long range precision rifle (max 300 win, max velocity 3100) for the precision shooter. The spotter must deploy with a .223/5.56 caliber semi-automatic platform. No bipod, magnified optic recommended. No M855 or steel core ammo. NFA registered suppressors are welcome on either platform. CoF is in development. Round counts expected to be around 85 for precision, 115 for spotter. Final amount will be provided to registered attendees. Bring all the other equipment you deem useful in this discipline. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Rucksack to quickly and efficiently carry all gear (a handful of shopping bags will not work this time) Chamber safe device / flag 1 GMRS Radio per person, capable of transmit/receive on channel 21, CTSS 02 1 spotting scope per team. It does not need a reticle. work Gloves are recommended PROHIBITED EQUIPMENT: Tracer rounds, AP rounds, SS109/M855/green tip rounds, laser rangefinders. Straining at the obvious, you must have a team mate to shoot this match. One of you must shoot as the precision shooter, the other as the spotter, using the correct platforms. We will consider allowing spotters with other caliber platforms shoot the CoF for fun/training but their team will not officially compete. Match fee is $75.00 per person. Prizes at this time include an action from Defiance Machine, A Vortex Optics spotting scope, gift certificates from RWS Gunsmithing in Manning IA, and several other items as well. Online Registration is required. Note that when you hit "submit" you need to scroll "UP" to see the acknowledgment of success. No automatic emails are sent. Once I have a few names on the roster I will furnish payment instructions. There are no refunds or credits provided for cancels within two weeks of the match date. If your team mate bails during this window, that is regretful but you need to find another one. Registration: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHdYMVdtNWFHanZTVUliQ3EyajRxalE6MQ#gid=1 Thanks for reading, and we hope to have you aboard for what I am sure is going to be a really good one. Some additional info. We recommend a magnified optic on the spotter's rifle, but they are not permitted to fit a bipod to it. A bipod is allowed on the precision platform. The spotter will be shooting a whole lot, not just watching the precision shooter fire. The spotter in this match is not a 'just in case' person, and they will get their money's worth. There will be stages where the team will be shooting together, and others where they will shoot separately. My point about the recommended magnified optic is that some of the shots the spotter will be expected to make are long. As I've built it so far, both roles will have very difficult shots, but the spotter at this point has overall a more demanding job.
  15. I need a place that has a 300-600 yard mover setup.. May have to build something of my own for this year when crops come down.
  16. Yup.. Works like a charm, and if you happen to have a hot tub connection out side you can wire into that for the backfeed. Mines a 6250/5500 if Im not mistaken
  17. What size genie.. I wired mine to the house panel myself. Its not that hard.
  18. Explain what a 300-600 class is. Do they have movers at 300-600 yards? Not popups but actual left to right moving targets between 300-600 yards?
  19. Was wondering the same thing but couldnt find any announcements online. If they do, I would imagine it would be a unit with a built in LCD for reviewing vids/pics and deleting in real time.
  20. Guys, $249 is pretty much the standard price. I was looking to see if anyone had any deals. Yeah I can buy it at standard price a ton of different places.
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