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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Do you have any AFG's in stock? If so, Prices?
  2. That reminds me, I need to buy some shelving and a few more turrets. I get sick of swapping out my dies and having to reset them every time!!!
  3. My suggestion is a bolt action .22 with open sights. Rem or savage is fine. Teach him proper firearms safety and usage then move him up to a scope or semi auto.
  4. True statement. If you want help reprogramming it to make it faster with less overthrows, let me know.
  5. I have the charge master but only because i was able to order it through a friends dealer account and there was a $50 mail in rebate at the time. These types of units dispense and measure by weight so they work perfect with any type of powder. The hornady just came out last year at SHOT show and the RCBS has been around for years. There are some vidoes of each on youtube and you can see how they dispense. Like I said, no problem with any type of powder and the RCBS will dispense up to 300 grains of powder in a single dump. Since these are electronic, they recommend not using them with black powder but most people use the pellets for muzzle loader now days anyway.
  6. Damn that website. I put the same thing together with an Excel formulas which also took into account your cost in loading equipment and compares it to the cost of purchased preloaded ammo. For precision 308 for me, it worked out to right around 250-300 rounds since precision 308 cost about $27-30$ for a box of 20 at the time. And I go through 100 rounds each time out so 3 events and I covered my costs.
  7. If youre going to be doing any precision shooting with rifle reloads, I HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest one of these. Made my life sooooo much better. RCBS Chargemaster 1500 Combo Scale/Dispenser Or a slightly cheaper but still quality version. Hornady LnL Auto Powder Dispenser.
  8. First, they cant just track everyone's cell's without some very very expensive equipment. Not to mention that actually tracking someones location could be constituted as stalking, amongst other things etc. Im guessing this is a program that people will opt into by installing some app on their phone or connecting to some wireless AP when they get into the mall.
  9. I really do recommend staying away from the Buckmark. Go with the Ruger over the buckmark any day of the week.
  10. This is the best question and overall best general statement depending on what you are looking to do.
  11. Walmart Stores and Walmart.com are technically different.
  12. Threaded barrels are allowed. Making something like that and threading it on to a barrel no matter how well it works is a big NO NO with the ATF. A friendly warning has been given, do whatever the hell you like but dont go crying about it later.
  13. If that silver piece on the end wasn't made by the factory, I would suggest removing the pic and getting that off of there ASAP before you get a visit from the ATF for illegal manufacture of a suppressor.
  14. Is that so? Did your Walther P22 and Sig Mosquito breed to produce the Walther Mosquito? Which one are you actually talking about or are you not sure? And WTH is a river mark series? I assume Ruger Mark is what you meant.
  15. I'd like to try it shooting at you with birdshot.
  16. Bulk 20mm, 50cal green, black, and white tip, couple hundred mortars, couple cases of 40mm grenades and oh, maybe 50-100 howitzer shells. Shouldnt be more than $20 total if we do bulk right?
  17. Ferrel cats, Gods version of ballistic gelatin.
  18. Stick with standard paper or steel targets. Shooting ballistic gel is a waste of money for the average person unless you just want to see it splat.
  19. If you liked the buckmark you will love the Ruger MK3. Everyone loves the ruger. So, my vote is for the Ruger MKIII One of the ones below unless you want to spend a bit more on one of the longer barrel models. This one or this one
  20. You mean like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_u9Es5FFZFM
  21. Watch this entire vid and I guarantee you will laugh your A$$ off! Not that what they are doing is funny but when you hear them laughing, you will start laughing at them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bqEGwVfWMs&
  22. A suppressor and some subsonic 180gr round nose would fix those yotes up quite nicely.
  23. What is your definition of fireproof. FYI 10is pretty small and wont hold that if the rifles are scoped. Just providing the info so you dont spend money on something that doesnt fit your needs. What weight are you looking for? Most "gunsafes" are really nothing more then a metal gun cabinet which can be opened very easily. Doing some research now will safe you headaches later.
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