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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Im sure he fucked the haul up on that thing since the water was 6inches or less in allot of that vid.
  2. .22 is the best and cheapest place to start and learn fundamentals. Dont let anyone kid you, a .22 will kill just fine on small varmits.
  3. http://www.onlylongrange.com/badnews.asp There is another company as well that has been making them for awhile. Ill see if i can find the link.
  4. You cant export the meat unfortunately. I am having the hides tanned and sent back as well as the skulls/horns dipped/shipped. My colleague in our Johannesburg office is taking the meat since he is a hunter as well. I did manage to eat impala, kudu, springbok, wildebeest, ostrich and a few others while I was down there. Outstanding flavor.
  5. Like I said. In columbus and can pick up whenever. Youve got plenty of options to get rid of them so congrats to whoever you choose.
  6. Thats exactly what I do. I make them sign a doc saying they are legally allowed to purchase a firearm with serial #, blah blah blah and I get a copy of all their info. Almost like my own personal ATF document. Then it goes in the safe.
  7. Its even worse when I remove the smiley.
  8. I just bought a house and im sure these would come in handy. If no one else takes, let me know. Waiting on pics also.
  9. So I think I mentioned that I would be headed to South Africa for work but just didnt say when. Well, I just got back yesterday from being there for 18 days. I dont have a ton of time now but I will get a bunch more pics up later. I managed to squeeze in a 3 day hunt while I was there and was lucky enough to get a nice big impala and a really big Kudu. Both were shot using a guide rifle which was a .270 Mauser. Imapla was taken at 110 yards across a field and the Kudu was taken at 65 in thick brush. Both shots were taken from standing position using shooting sticks as support. I wasnt happy with the shot on the impala since it wasnt a heart shot but the shot broke both shoulders and dropped it on the spot. The Kudu shot was perfect heart shot and it made it about 25 yards before piling up. The Kudu maxed out the winch on the Bakkie (Jeep). This was about 10km from Botswana.
  10. Yup, count me in. Ive been there for OR.
  11. flounder

    AR50 fs

    Are you going to cry nancy thin skin? Recently youve been quite sensitive. And FYI, you talking with me about rifles and long range shooting would be like me telling you how to stunt.
  12. flounder

    AR50 fs

    You dont need a 50 to do that!
  13. I know that guy.. Its.... MEEEEEEEEEEEEE... I LOVE MY FUSIONS!!!!!!!!
  14. Really,, Why didnt you just call and ask me. Save your money and buy more then you think you will need because will want to range much further then what you can shoot. Not to mention that the better the LRF, the smaller the size of the targets you can range at distance. I think you've played with both of my LRF's and both have their purpose.
  15. Really,, Why didnt you just call and ask me. Save your money and buy more then you think you will need because will want to range much further then what you can shoot. Not to mention that the better the LRF, the smaller the size of the targets you can range at distance. I think you've played with both of my LRF's and both have their purpose.
  16. Looks great Brian. Any inside pics? That place looks familiar. I think I pass it depending which way I go when Im headed to Crestline.
  17. How did I miss this until now? Anyway. Im not sure what I will have going on that weekend but if I can make it I will definitely come. Its been hectic with moving to the new house and work lately and I will still need time to reload. If I can make it youre more than happy to use my 308 if you buy and bring your own ammo. the 175 BLack hills that WaltherGSP mentioned will be fine as will the Hornady 175 grain match ammo. I wont let you shoot shit ammo or reloads through my rifle and I dont have the money or time to reload for everyone to shoot my ammo. Tom, If you want a sub load go by some hornady 180 grain roundnose and start with 9.5 grains of trailboss working up in .5 grain increments. 10.5 will probably be the sweet spot for your barrel lenght
  18. Upload the pics. I get see them where Im at.
  19. Valid point but when have you ever known the Govt to do something right. :)
  20. I assume that is the base? Whats the APR.
  21. My point is that if its called a suppressor then thats what you list it as. Listing it as a silencer shows that you dont know the proper terminology for the product your selling. When the manufacturer calls them suppressors, why do you list them on your page as silencers. I hope they dont list magazines as clips as well. They may be great people and I hope they do well. There are always things you can do better especially by calling the product you are selling by the correct name.
  22. Piss off Todd, you know better. Why so sensitive lately.
  23. The need to change the name "Silencers" on their web page to "Suppressors" before I would deal with them.
  24. Ok guys heres the routine. Most likely your card info was stolen either off your pooter or a shady net purchase or puchase at a shady location. The reason for the small charge is that allot of times they are selling your card info to someone else and to validate the card info is not fake, the buy some small item over the web. They dont give a shit what it is but its usually under the $10-$20 mark so as not to catch interest on your bill. After that, they will typically start buying big shit. Youve already got a new card so you should be good to go. If youre concerned, run a credit report on yourself to see if it was just a card # issue or if you have identity theft. Typically you woulndt find out about identity theft until collections companies start calling you. Take a breath and chill out. Youve got your money back, and learned a lesson. Youre not going to track some guy down over a $10 charge. Hell I loose more change then that in a week.
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