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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Twitter is actually one of the best ways to get real time updates on news and technology issues/breakthroughs/announcements etc. And they were shown to be more accurate as well.
  2. Firefox is vulnerable as well. Some of the custom malware is pretty god damn impressive.
  3. OK guys, one thing to remember is that there is a big difference between an incendiary round and a Raufoss round although people that dont know tend to group them together. Incendiary means just that - Sparks and crap. AP - Armor Piercing Raufoss NM140 is - Incindiary, Explosive, Armor Piercing and only made in .50 cal! After saying that, Im going to guess those are just simple incendiary rounds in that vid and not Raufoss
  4. My understanding is that they are available if you can find a source. I dont believe they are considered a Destructive Device by ATF as they do not contain enough explosives material. You cannot load AP rounds anymore but if you find some that are already loaded, you can purchase and fire them.
  5. Doubt it. FYI, If those are true Raufoss rounds they are in .50 cal. There is a similar version in .30 cal called SLAP rounds which only had a Pentatrator and no explosive material. The Raufoss are comprised of a combination of PETN/RDX compound and a tungsten penetrator. Prices for 1 round of .50 are approximately $75 each MINIMUM to get ahold of and Ive seen them as high as $200 each. Zirconium powder is added for a long burning effect and maximum fire starting effect. It can ignite JP4 and JP8 military jet fuel. Zirconium will set anything on fire its pretty bad ass. The Zirconium powder also adds report flash for the shooter to see exactly where the round impacted, as the explosive is detonated by the pressure of the penetrator and the incendiary mixture impacting a HARD object (steel plate) and pushes the explosive charge and detonation through the other side, and the zirconium powder (also used in fireworks for a 'brilliant' sparkling effect) ignites on both sides with big bright brilliant report ensuring the shooter sees exactly where he hit. Remember, these rounds are meant to be used at ranges exceeding 1500m. They have no real effect however on soft targets (troops in the open) or earthen bunkers, as it does not allow reliable operation of the method of detonation, which requires impact upon a hard target. Also, use at ranges under 300-400m will result in unreliable detonation, due to fragmentation of the rounds jacket before reliable operation of detonation system, though the big carbide penetrator will still do some damage. Pic of how they are assembled. If they are just incendiary rounds then they just spark and look pretty. Nothing like the Raufoss NM140 at all.
  6. Fair enough and good to know. I just got done doing a social engineering project for a client and we used an similar method and managed to trick approximately 15% of the people to visit our link at which point.. --> GAME OVER!!
  7. hmmm.. a link thats meant to look like youtube but isnt.. I think ill pass clicking on it!!
  8. I posted this a year or so ago. Its been making its way back around as Ive seen 3 more posts of it last week alone. Always a good vid to watch.
  9. This shit is getting ridiculous...
  10. Those pictures are blurry as shit.. Post the FB link.. Nevermind, found it, and his page is now private..
  11. The thin grip would be even more suitable in a 9mm. Im a firm believer that its not the caliber, its the shooter. Im an avid shooter and I would not have any problems carrying a 9mm over a 40. For the average person who doesnt shoot much, the .40 doesnt provide them any benefit, especially in a small frame firearm due to the increased recoil.
  12. Nothing was said about jamming so not sure where youre getting that from. And yes more then your 38 as it weighs less, is thinner, and larger caliber.
  13. Youre complaining about standard stuff. Go shoot and and see if their are problems. Also, the small kahr frame in .40 is going to be a bit much for recoil.
  14. flounder


    Cincinnati is the worst!
  15. REPOST GUY FOR THE FAIL.... And only a day after it was already posted to boot. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=78876&highlight=crash
  16. Combo of standing and the thumb/finger throttle. Not to mention the colder temps of the water which cause the cramping and stiffness.
  17. Youre reading it wrong. The baseline is the norm so what its saying is that abstinence causes a raise in testosterone thus creating the angry irritable SOB because he's not getting laid.
  18. Cholula on popcorn.. Try it!, Trust me.
  19. Quoted for truth. Kawi, Sirachi is more used to add to food that you mix this into. Its not a quick topping sauce like franks. This shit is way thicker and spicier but as said, the flavor is amazing.
  20. Yes it is awesome.. The either changed the recipe lately or changed the manufacturer because its doesnt have the same bright red color that it used to. Now it has more of a redish/burnt orange. We put that stuff on everything. Works great when mixed with BBQ sauce to make a spice bbq,
  21. I dont see anywhere that was mentioned so why would you think it to bring it up. My mistake on your owning / handling of firearms but your comments (even though devils advocate) came across as uninformed and spiteful against firearms owners, especially when you mentioned that Shitty appears to have a hero complex. If you knew him, you would know that he goes out of his way to help everyone, including those he doesnt know being attacked. Too many people in this country sit back and just let bad things happen to the weak and innocent without giving a shit or willingness to step in and help. The problem I took with your post was directly related to the "matter of fact" type of scenario outcomes you listed as if those were the only possible results. More clarification on your part and a bit more restraint on my part to reply so quickly probably would have helped us both. Trust me I can respect someone not wanting a gun but as when they try push their ideas like its only their ideas that are correct, then that is complete BS and I will rebuttal with the best of them . No different then the vegans, vegetarians, or environmentalists that annoy the shit out of me when Im working in CA and walking to get lunch. Every one of them try's to stop me on the street and push their ideas on me. I harbor no ill will towards someones ideas or opinions but when you try to push them on others with zero ability to see both sides, or accept others opinions and walk away, thats when I get upset. Again, the tone of my response was primarily based on your comments and how they "appeared" that you only saw one side of the equation. And what the hell is with everyone in CA putting avacodo on/in every effing dish or sandwich.. I DONT WANT GODDAMN AVOCADO ON MY SANDWICH!!
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