You'll be surprised. Its the weekday, retired old guys that have nothing better to do than spend lots of $$ on a shotgun and shoot all day long. Same thing for many of the other shooting disciplines.
If you dont have to move the fence due to the time it has been there, then maybe you have precedence for having the property lines re-done. Realize that this could go good or bad for you. Good would be that the fence or just the other side of the fence becomes the new property line and you dont have to move anything or worry about it. Bad = they tell you that you have to move the fence. Take your chances.
The pilot was at fault and a radio would not have fixed the fact that he was responsible for knowing the airspace restrictions in place and his location. If anything, they could charge him for the expenses associated with scrambling the jets to intercept him.
No this mishap will not change anything. Small planes do not need radios in the uncontrolled airspace they fly in nor is there a reason to have one other than emergencies. You can land those small planes damn near anywhere. (Trust Me!!!) I used to fly a piper cub which has no electrical system at all and you had to hand prop it to start it. One of the most fun planes to fly ever! fyi. hand prop means you have to have someone spin the prop by hand to start the plane.
The pilot is in deep shit. You always check the notams before you go up and if you break the 30mile rule for the presidents route, its your ass..... Pure pilot error.
Just my own.. You get allot more meat by processing yourself. Not to mention it doesnt cost you anything and you can drink beer while doing it with hunting buddies and taking pictures that would make PETA go nuts.