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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Already got my appointment scheduled. Booster of Hep A and B from when I was in India 2 years ago, Typhoid, and Malaria pills.
  2. And you still have a legal requirement to keep the lighthouse up and running per the regulations.
  3. On a traveler side note. I just made my apt at the passport health clinic to get all my vaccinations and pills for my South Africa trip. You really do feel like shit after getting 6-8 different vaccinations and prescriptions for malaria.
  4. Yup, I got delayed in Dayton due to the blizzard a few years ago but the issue was mechanical and not the weather. Due to that little fact, I missed my flight from New York to Brazil and had to take one the following day. They put me up in a hotel near LGA for the day and gave me plenty of food vouchers after I asked for more. It still wasnt enough so right before I left the hotel, I ordered room service and charged it to the airline since they paid for the room.
  5. You need to answer a few questions first. What will its use be? What distance do you want to be able to see out to. What mount do you want? (i.e. Do you want it mounted to a rifle so you can use it on the rifle, Do you want it mounted to a head mount just so you can see at night, Do you just want a handheld you can look through? And.. What is your price range? These are all important.
  6. If it was mechanical related, they are required by law to put you up in a hotel and give you appropriate amounts of meal vouchers or arrange transportation to your final destination. They wont tell you that but if you know, you can really work them over. Ive done it a few times.
  7. You can try and get some compensation towards a rental or part of your flight $ back but definitely not all of it. Airlines are not responsible for delays or cancellations due to weather. Its a crappy situation but you have to understand that no one has control of the weather.
  8. That dealer wasnt the sharpest knife in the drawer..
  9. Ive never heard anyone say that the blueing faded due to blood. Thats a new one.
  10. Luckily, my colleague in our Johannesburg office is also a big hunter and has a very close friend that owns and operates a hunting/sightseeing safari operation so he is arranging everything for us and was able to guarantee us a spot on short notice at good pricing. Im not sure what all I will go for but a Kudu is definitely on the list and maybe a few other smaller animals depending on cost. He said getting a big Kudu should be no problem. FYI, this is a Kudu
  11. Just booked my flight to South Africa for a work trip. Im going to be doing a safari hunt while Im there as well. I cant wait. Should be a blast.
  12. Just talked with Chrome. Geni is sold.. Lock this up!
  13. I have a feeling he will loose his job over this. I support the responsibiltiy to inform as officers already have a tough job so anything I can do to ease their concerns/worries, Im ok with. As with everything else in life, each person will respond differently to different situations.
  14. hmmm.. I may know someone that would buy this.
  15. Who cares why the OP was looking for it. As long as he doesnt try to make OR gear to sell, he isnt doing anything wrong.
  16. No pics yet. WTF... Someone please just close this thread.
  17. Group sizes dont always depend on the cost of the ammo. When you do the comparison of what you actually shot, you basically shot the same stuff. Regular brass, standard measured powder throw, standard 55grain bullets. Now take that and compare it to a box of match ammo that has much lower tolerances for differences in charge weights, brass weights, and bullet weights and spec, and you will realize the differences between match ammo and plinking ammo. The comparison you did was really just 2 different types of plinking ammo. Hopefully that makes sense.
  18. Shooting uphill and downhill are the same. The amount of compensation you adjust for is directly proportional to the angle up/down and your straight line distance reading from the laser range finder. This is the mathematical answer. The other input is shooter position which varies from shooter to shooter and can affect the actual amount of compensation needed. Read these. http://www.exteriorballistics.com/ebexplained/article1.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rifleman%27s_rule
  19. Brazillian Cherry. I have 2 more rooms to lay down the hardwood in as well.
  20. Actually Gen3, Ive been on my knees a ton over the last week. Thank god for construction kneepads. FYI. I finished the living room paint/flooring on friday
  21. I would threaten to call the BBB on them due to their lack of respect and potential child endangerment. May as well use the system to your advantage like everyone else does.
  22. Ive got a portable that will run the essentials. That plus I dont have gas at the new place. (All Electric)
  23. Been working my ass off out there since sat. Entire house inside needs repainted. Ripped up all the carpet and pad upstairs, and downstairs, repainted the master bedroom, hallway, and spare bedroom #1. Bought about 800 sq ft of Brazillian Cheery to lay down on 3 rooms on the first floor.
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