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Posts posted by Zorro

  1. You should never knock anyones bike over ever, even if they have just burned your house down. As far as excuses go there are none, John knows this and he has to live with his actions and I certainly wont and cannot make excuses for others. What he did was an ass move, what else do want me to say?

    You don't have to say anything else. the whole "i dont condone...BUT" just made it sound like a contradicting statement. your last post clarifies your stance.

  2. Dude I dont know either of them and there is always more than one side to any story, but you DO NOT, take someones bike start walking it across a parking lot and let it eat pavememt.Period, if it is your bike and you want to do that shit go for it, but not someone elses there is no reason for an action like that. I expect temper tantrums like that out of my 12 year old but damn not out of a supposed grown man!!!

    Hey, I know illiteracy runs rampant in America but read my post again. Actually you know what, Ill save you the time and quote myself.

    "I dont condone what what happened but like i stated before there was a reason for his actions."

    Here is the meaning of the word conde :


    So when I say I dont condone it means i dont overlook, i dont pardon, i dont fucking applaud what he did. Read a post before you spout off after reading half of it and jump on someones band wagon.

    You should've just left it at I don't condone what happened. The rest of it sounds like you're making an excuse for what happened. The only reason you should ever knock someone's bike over...the only REASON...is if they knocked your bike over first. But still, you should never knock someone's bike over. I'd press charges...no doubt.

  3. Xray on hand was negative but vagina test came back positive. :)

    Next track day = tbd

    If you want high res of any pics, lmk and I can email or burn to disc

    The pics were good...however my riding doesn't look as good. so I wont be having you burn pics for me this time....maybe next.

  4. Good to see the weather turned around for you boys.

    We had a two hour delay or so. Track sucked 1st session of the morning...too slippery. I couldn't believe it. I thought that would be my last track day. 2nd session got rained out...after a bunch of wrecks (3 to 4) on the novice session. After the sun came out....MONEY!!!!

  5. ah, another hockey fan. Thanks for the invite...but I'll be watching it at home. Redwings destroyed my Pens last year. Pens got lucky and won two games....I still don't know how that happened. Hopefully this year's a different story...

    Wings in 7 :(

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