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Posts posted by Zorro

  1. You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus:

    1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.

    2. An old friend who once saved your life.

    3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

    Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there

    could only be one passenger in your car? Think before you continue reading.

    This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a job application. You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first. Or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect chance to pay him back. However, you may never be able to find your perfect mate again.


    BELIEVE THIS...................

    The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble coming up with his answer. He simply answered: 'I would give the car keys to my old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams.'

    Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations. Never forget to 'Think Outside of the Box.'

    HOWEVER...., The correct answer is to run the old lady over and put her out of her misery, have sex with the perfect partner on the hood of the car, then drive off with the old friend for a few beers.

  2. Just wanted to let you all know that Iron Pony did the fix on my bike and they did a pretty good job (so far). No leaks, done the same day that I dropped it off. They gave me my spare parts and added the oil that I brought with me. They helped loading it in my truck as well. I would take my bike back for service if needed.

  3. After a quick google search, there are 73.8 million home owners in america. I always thought owning a home was part of the so-called American Dream. Renters can easily win this debate during these tough economic times. When I say debate, I'm thinking about money. I'm not talking about other non-monetary benefits from renting vs. buying...except for one point. Most renters have apts that really don't compare to a house. So, when renter's are paying 50-75% per month less than what home owners are paying, they're getting less as well. With that being said, I know people who are renting their second house for the price of their mortgage. If the renter lives there for 30 years...and moves, he has nothing to show for it. The home owner will have something to show for it.

    Maybe 73.8 million home owners are wrong. Hell if I know.

  4. Hey mang... I didn't read anything but the 1st few posts but I'm leaving in a second so I have to get this in...

    ANY way you go, your going to have to take the pan off. I would drill it out smooth the next size up, re-tap it, and put the next size plug in. No big deal. You will get shavings in the pan no matter what you do, that's why you have to take it off...

    Even a heli-coil will cut shavings off.

    I've done it on my civic... No big deal...

    I saw a guy drill one out once with the pan on and re-tap. No leaks. BUT, he thought that the oil filter would just catch the shavings... Wrong. Oil filters have a spring loaded valve that lets oil pass under high pressure...

    Do it right...

    If someone already said this... Sorry...

    Thanks. I'm getting a new pan. End of story :)

  5. Since April 08, the only thing you've purchased was a clear clutch cover? No tires, nothin'? Hmmmm...

    Whatever, man. All I am going to continue to do is give heads up on things that people can do better with. Consider that being a dick? That's cool. I personally could care less. You don't buy much of anything it seems as a rider so, it is a moot point in your case. But, for the majority of riders who in almost a year have made more than one single motorcycle related part, they deserve to know if something is a good deal or not.

    Close out in this case on one pair of gloves means they ordered it and it didn't fit or something similar. Meaning, it isn't a stocking item. 20% off isn't that good a deal. Sponsor or not.

    Didn't flame the guy, didn't say his shop sucked, didn't say he tries to rip people off. Just isn't a great deal. Period. If you think it is and saving $50 is a deal to you, cool. Some people think retail is fine. It's a deal as long as you feel it is and that you are happy.

    Thanks for giving your opinion on this matter. I like it. however, saying it was 'lame' was kind of rude. but i still appreciate your post!

  6. 31 foot pounds? That seems high to me.

    I double checked the paper work and the wrench before I touched the bolt. I've since checked too many times. When I was tightening it, it felt like I was over-tightening it, to be honest. But, I was thinking the wrench would 'break' any second. F it. $265 lesson learned.

  7. How far from all the way in was the plug before you realized it was cross threaded?

    If not all but all the way, just re tap the damn thing and if you're that worried about couple of metal shards making it past the magnetic drain plug, buy some crap cycle oil and run through it before you put it back on the road.

    I didnt cross thread it...i over tightened. I got a torque wrench and thought I would do everything to specs. I put the filter on with 12 ft lbs...no problem. I adjusted the wrench to the drain plug's setting 31 ft lbs. I tightened it...and tightened it...thinking "this wrench better give way soon". The wrench was stronger than the threads on the oil pan. I've changed the oil on my first bike (cbr f3) and changed the oil on my quad. I never used a torque wrench - I just made it snug. live and learn.

  8. Seriously, an oil pan is just a few bolts and gasket. What do you think is harder, a simple oil pan or when I pulled the motor and split the case on my YZ and rebuilt everything. Offer is on the table but if you want to spend the extra coin to feel better about it, then thats your choice and understandable..

    Thanks for the offer. Not that I think you can't do it, I'm just gonna let IP do it. I already ordered the parts and made an appt.

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