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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. 34, will be 35 in October. My profile has my birthdate and age though.
  2. You trade your 14? When you do that?

  3. You still corner like this? . You are going to kill me for this one homeboy! Mad love though buddy!
  4. Anden is her man, she should be turning to him and not online strangers. So I'm telling her BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSA!
  5. Bud you were born scared! Now quit bullshitting...keep it real, keep it a Suzuki, and keep it a BOOSA! :woo:
  6. I always call my insurance before I even attempt to look. Saves a lot of time.
  7. Don't worry! Like midgettodd said, get a BOOOOOSA. Everyone wants and needs one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQsbHJiMFuc&feature=related
  8. NinjaNick

    bike night

    Only talking on test n tunes, open drag, no competition. And fuck the cars, I only care about the bikes...lol
  9. NinjaNick

    bike night

    I've only known of quarter mile racing there unless it's junior dragsters racing. Any less than a quarter is not worth racing IMO. The fuel map on my bike was done in the quarter there instead of on a dyno.
  10. :welcome: Get a drag shock from brocksperformance.
  11. NinjaNick

    bike night

    It's probably best for everyone if you do that anyway.
  12. New and a HYBRID jacket! Awesome creation! My next jacket! http://www.joerocket.com/catalog/index.cfm/234/443/Leather_Jackets/Radar_%5Bhybrid%5D
  13. Here is a NBC interview. The kid is with babysitter and a stranger in the video. The father is in prison and the mother is being interviewed. http://www.hulu.com/watch/364665/nbc-today-show-mom-of-tot-tossed-in-washer-i%E2%80%99m-pressing-charges-
  14. Joe Rocket Speedmaster jacket is for big guys. Up to 56.
  15. Dark, in my house at 330am, stranger, yelling at her and she ignores you telling her to get out.....shoot the drunk dumb shit. Her voluntering somewhere before doesn't make it ok to do what she did. I hate when they pull that card in crime.
  16. Sniper_308, If I knew you I might like you as a person, but as your job...fuck you. I don't believe cops that give speeding tickets out never speed which is why I have issues with cops giving tickets. Hypocritical and I don't care what anyone says.
  17. Oh, opinions don't matter. That's a clubhouse rule dude! Enjoy the site and have thick skin because there is laughter, and fighting...it's all in fun.
  18. Btw, great bike for your age. I would've killed myself if I rode as a teen because I have no self control.
  19. A teen? Welcome. Put your age in your signature so I know not to trash you if I disagree with you because I'd feel like shit knowing I ripped into a teen like I would a 30 year old.
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