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stolen 5.0

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Everything posted by stolen 5.0

  1. looking for 2 of those 17 inch tri bar wheels that everyone hates.
  2. man, sellin the i730 i gave ya
  3. I PM'd you my number, I once had the same gun from vance's.
  4. i defanitely like my nextel better than at&t or alltel. I like the fact that the phones are built strong and that you can actually here the ring and the earpiece
  5. I still love my nextel, had it for 5 years. I like the durability of the phone and the fact that it is loud. cingular, I can't hear on any of their ear pieces on any of their phones.
  6. the iphone is gay, ppl who drive VW's and hug trees like to use them to draw pictures of themselves.
  7. i can't wait to play fifa '08. the goalkeeper punches.
  8. haha, i think rob was with me. then we kept going when we didn't see the ppl at the end of the race. That road could have been a few feet wider
  9. I doubt if your still running ford racing clutches are you jason?
  10. the spec stage 3 clutch was the best clutch I've ever had. stock, autozone, king cobra, centerforce. spec held the power all night long.
  11. it looks to be fake, but it would be cool
  12. if anyone knows anyone, i'm sellin my '02 cbr 954rr 7800 miles $5000 it's gots some extras. i would appreciate if you guys pass around the word. email me for pictures stolen_50@yahoo
  13. our store installs them, is the battery dead in the remote?
  14. stolen 5.0


    hmmmm, maybe i need to roll into town
  15. Stolen 50 is my name halo or some rainbow 6
  16. derek, make sure they set up your next set a little bit tighter. I agree with BC, pinion angle is hurtin you.
  17. yes i took the catback and it worked out great, thanks man
  18. get some heads when you do the cam, it'll make a noticeable difference. i had an e303 cam also. it worked out nicely where ever it is now.
  19. damn, that doesn't sound good, I hope he's ok
  20. it's mine and it's on ebay if anyone is interested http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=280155800729&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=018 I'd like 100 bucks outta it
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