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stolen 5.0

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Everything posted by stolen 5.0

  1. the police are too slow for the almighty 5.0
  2. u can have the dog here for 5 bucks, comes with food and water dish and new black leash. low mileage 11 weeks, shits and piss's everywhere, loves to bite and whine it's my roommates (throttle jockey)
  3. damn and i thought mine was bad 275k and a lot of nitrous
  4. stolen 5.0


    i'll probally roll up too
  5. scott, u need to bring chris here to fix my wireless router
  6. did i talk to you last night on AIM?
  7. i almost bought a supercharger, but i bought a cool air intake instead
  8. which ghost recon is it? the new one
  9. DJ, lets roll i'll be packin do i get a reward for my risk?
  10. her boob was smashed lol
  11. jus beware that it is a v-6, 8500 is cheap for a gt with low miles. have someone that knows those cars check it out, might be something wrong with it.
  12. stolen 5.0


    maybe i'll see ya at norwalk tommorrow
  13. sup man, i met ya at the dyno that day
  14. friday night when i got pulled over, the cop thought i had marijuana in the car or something. i told him to go ahead and be my guest, search the car. he laid off then
  15. $375 i can sunday evening baka
  16. barrel is perfect i have 20 rds of ammo left. vance's had the 7.62 x 39mm ammo for it 1000rds for 90 bucks
  17. Insurance Fraudster... i like this one better jason allen , Your ideal job is a God
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