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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. So you think that would make ANY difference?


    And somehow, I dont beleive you would try this stunt twice....



    What would make any difference?


    And, if you think I would not do it twice-you would already be wrong. It was “done” on more than one occasion, not one of witch being a truly smart decision.

  2. Your going to compare the stability of a Dodge Colt w/ Ricer wing to a Porsche or Ferarri @ 200mph ?



    Find me one to compare it to and I would be more than happy.


    Besides, funny thing is most of the said vehicles can not even achieve 200mph


  3. u r f'n nutz! Was it losing traction around 170ish? Good lord! You need to go to church on Sunday.



    No-accidentally hit the high boost switch, so it went super rich since I was on pump. Listen and you can hear the turbo get REAL happy. :)

  4. This is why you have problems...


    Colt = 85mph Beater.


    Porsche, Ferarri, ect.. Wind tunnel tested to perform stable @ 200+ with ducting/ body shaping ect.



    Same reason why strapping a F-16 engine to the wright brothers plane would end in disaster ;)



    All it needed was a ricer wing, and all would have been gravy. No ducting or 1/2 million $ supercar design involved.

  5. is it aerodymanically possible for a colt to go that fast?

    i wouldnt think so.


    i mean, driving a car designed to go that fast is one thing, but to drive a lunch box that fast is another.



    Yes. That run was only at 16psi, so figure 420-440whp. Turned up, it just got there ALOT faster.




    So why not show the whole vid? We all know you wrecked it, so what difference does it make?


    Different day. And I just spoke with the insurance company, the suit is still pending. It's no matter really, the damages the city claimed are well within my limits of liability, but just incase....

  6. Issue here is that your friend JP lies and it gets old and annoying. You see he lied to you saying you were getting bashed which was not the case. Everyone from the Cleveland area is welcome here anytime with the exception of JP. I mean I cannot say that for everyone but that is how I feel.


    It is exhausting to read his indirect posts.


    Thanks for comming down. And out of curiousity what was the "hype" promised? I mean no one here promised or spoke of any hype. What did JP say there was going to be?


    I told him he was geting heat from RC, which he is.


    He got the forums mixed up, but thanks for trying Powers.

  7. Touche.




    Yup, still available. So, we're on for $20. :cool:



    Party time!


    Can I get in on a Gearhead special? Not that I don't have faith in the Evo, I just need $20. :cool:


    But it has to be this year, correct?



    I would assume. Maybe a planned due date of the 29th?

  8. JP, you can sign them up under your name. I cannot think of the other non-CR people that have signed up via a CR member. Lame excuse on your end, at best.


    That "buddy" is also my brother, so I agree with his decisions for the most part. If any of your boys actually contributed something worthwhile instead of flapping their gums and swinging from your nuts, they'd still be around.


    The offer still stands. They can sign up through you, or are they scared and full of excuses still?



    Well, your brutha dissed them- they dont feel the need to support your cause. And I "agree with there decisions." :) They will see more than enough action that night as it is, and not have to pay a fee to play.



    The hope for is 10.40-10.90.


    I still think that ET is weaksause for the power the car makes, but the driveline is not up to the task, without taking 3 trannys to the track.


    David disagrees with you.




    Stock front diff, rear diff, transfer case, axels, non dog box built by mitsu tranny…..

    Everything except the clutch.

  9. No, JP, I'm going to politely decline it.



    Ok, well sign me up for the $20 Gearhead special then. AKA-No holds barn, stripped, sprayed, GT42, whatever-if the IPS EVO goes 140mph this year (on the 29th I am assuming is the day this will go down) You will have my money.


    Is this bet still available?

  10. The majority of people in here from CR have signed up for Norwalk.





    Again, your partner in crime decided to ban all of Cleveland except me, and maybe Jamie.


    No, I think you banned him as well. So, don’t cry about it, you are only yelling at me over the internet. :)


    Tell you buddy thanks for fucking up what could have been some good track day attendance. :thumbup:

  11. Just one question, since when is traps so important, isnt the time more important then the trap speed.

    Gearhead, I will bet you 100$ that the evo DOES have a 35R on it.

    JP, there were a few cars there that night that will be at 140 traps. Just because they dont look like it doesnt mean they wont. Also there were alot of cars there that will run low 10's but only trap 120's, maybe 130's. So are we to say that these cars are not impressive. I say that is quite impressive.


    Only because we are referring to roll racing. If this was about going from a dig, it would be a different story.


    Also, since the IPS Evo has already been claimed to be 140mph capable by an IPS employee, this is where the bet sprouted from. Speaking of, Tilley, did you agree/disagree to my offer?

  12. im not trying to be devils advocate, but cleveland isnt the shit hole its made out to be. i like that area just as much as columbus.


    does coltboostin have any ties to GMR? maybe they could bring something down?



    Yes, I know the owner well. He has been very busy with the shop, but he has a street car int he works. He just tunned a 900+whp LS1 last night. If anything goes on the 29th, I will get him to come out.




    Boost-n-juice, You cant judge a City by its ghetto. The east side brings Cleveland down.-The poverty level is only 6.9% on the west side, while over 50% on the east side! This brings the total to 31% for the city of Cleveland, and again, this does not include the 2 million people that live in adjoined suburbs of the City. Eliminate the near east side, and there is no problem.

  13. I never said anything about what boost or juice or anything. Jp said that there were no cars that come close to trapping 140. I replied I am sure Mikes car is in that range. So yea I can see it now the car traps 139 and everyone talks shit.


    No. If it goes 139 on boost and still at full weight, I will say that is very impressive. But, Tilley will simply loose the bet and have to pay up (whichever bet he agrees to).



    How about this idea. Unless you own a car that traps the same or better shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.



    I guess we wont be hearing from you then. :lol:

  14. Wow, I'm lost for words. We have plenty of spots open for the 29th. Norwalk is about 45 minutes SW of the Shit town you call Cleveland. Sign up or shut up. Don't give us no BS about how "they don't race at the track". It's like saying, "my dick is bigger than yours". Well whip it out bitch, lets see.


    Let me help you Cleveland boys out...




    Maybe you missed this.



    Again this started as a Coltboostin vs. Dr Z06 ting, and has morphed into something else. I wont argue about who's scene is bigger or better anymore. your right that street racing is a put up or shut up kind of thing-so I will shut up.



    Further more, boy wonder banned all of the NE Ohio people off this board-so you are only addressing I, who’s next project is not yet running.

  15. For $20 says it never see's the other side of 140s in the traps.all boost, no bottle..


    john, i hope it not another 20 pager


    Agreed, and I will be up for the 100$. IF--> The car is said to be full weight- If he goes 140mph, that is impressive. If he is spraying, its, well unimpressive. I can spray a stock turbo car to 140mph.


    Bottles are for baby. If the need the bottle, or to lighten the car, or need a celebrity driven, than sign me up for the Gearhead special $20 wager. :)

  16. Satan, you dont own anything fast enough for me to


    1)care what you say


    2)waste any more of my time replying to you.









    why did cleveland pick jp to be their spokesman.


    You notice that all the "fast" cars in cleveland arnt on message boards.


    and why does he swing from all of their nuts hmmmm? i mean i consider myself freindly with some of the faster cars in the columbus scean that i have seen and met but i dont go on every board i can find and post that they are god and i must have their babies, allthough he does bring entertainment and some know-how but why are you so annoying jp only children poke bears and play copycat, i mena you say that powers dosnt know shit when you have no clue besides the few posts he makes directed at you. so you are no better than him but you wont give up cuz its "too fun" to stir the pot of ips yet again i say grow up


    for clarification, I swing off no nuts-the old heap went 10's@ 48mph turned down,and the new one will do the same or better on street tires.


    Again this started as a Coltboostin vs. Dr Z06 ting, and has morphed into something else. I wont argue about who's scene is bigger or better anymore. your right that street racing is a put up or shut up kind of thing-so I will shut up.


    I am hoping some C-bus guys make it up for the 29th,and we can arrange something thereafter.

  17. I'll put $100 out there that says the IPS EVO will trap 140mph, if they ever decide to take it to the track. Any takers?



    At its claimed full weight, with no NO2, and no celebrity drivers (AKA, the owner diving this 140mph pass) and no other shenanigans-you on for the 29th.

  18. It is just like you say about cars the SHOULD run X times. Until it happens it is not a fact. So until 50 cars come down here and mop up a lot of 200 cars, you are just flapping your dick sucker.


    Just like your claim of the IPS EVO trapping 140mph eh? :lol:


    Yup. We will see what you got on the 29th if you feel chipper.

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