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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. Interesting. I figured with older cheap stuff, they wouldn't bat an eye.


    Here are the last several cars I've bought, and for how much.....


    89 Camaro (trade)

    89 Chevy half ton $1200

    97 Park Ave $800

    95 S10 $2100

    95 S10 $200

    95 Caprice $1000

    99 Regal (trade)

    97 Chevy half ton $3200

    77 Blazer $900

    98 Grand Prix $4000


    I don't think any of them had more than $500 listed as the sale price on the title. A few of them were as low as 1-200. Never had an issue. :confused:



    No offence, but these are all low value cars so they are not likely to get flagged. I have a similar list of Colts, Civics, and DSMs that has no issues flying under the radar with 3-500$ on title. The cars I got letters on where my CTS-V, a 78 Corvette (see below), A 12' Rav-4, and a 3 series BMW.


    Either way you are lying, sounds good , this sort of thing works 100% of the time!



    Not always. The funny thing was the Lien situation I mentioned they where WAY out of line. It was for a 78 Vette in OK condition I bought for "750" but it was not nice. Even in MINT condition it is a 10k car. State said Fair Market was 30k + and tried to tax me for it. FUCK that!

  2. Yea that’s a great idea, they won’t ever check the current status of the car. If you want to lie both of you pick a price and stick to your stories. Write each other checks and document them You will more than likely get a letter and with the value of the cars, it more than likely will go farther than that. Good luck




    This has worked every single time for me. As long at the other party is willing to play ball. 95% of the time JUST a notarized bill of sale is enough. If you don't have that, The state will send a questionnaire to the Seller (if they are in Ohio Only) asking what the buyer paid they are sneaky- but I have won every-single-time. Its all about documentation, and if you read above, everyone that got fucked had zero documentation to back up their story.


    And even in the event your on the 5% side of the coin and they come sniffing around, you're still good if you are armed with docs. I even had a actual Tax Lien filed by the state which I got overturned. Lien was filed because they sent and info request to me and I never received it. Once fax to the state and I had a lien release in had in 72 hours. I saved $1850 on that ONE deal. And that's CASH people- that's like $3500 of gross income depending on your tax bracket.


    If you guys hate your money, feel free to pay the tax. But its is very, very easily avoided.

  3. I've seen pics of a janky TT put together. Not sure what gains one would see.




    Ha! actually found a pic of them on the car. To this day, the only Twin turbo 4G63 I have ever seen





    And here is a video of owner #3 (after me) selling the car down in Alabama with some changes but it still had my whale dick exhaust lol.

  4. I've owned and built a lot of fun shit. All were great for one reason or another. Not sure I can pick one as the "all out" favorite, but the Colt V1 in one way or another directed the rest of my life. When I was actively racing it from 03-06, it was about the most day to day car-fun I have had. We where literally out racing 2 or more times every week during the summer. Multiple trips to C bus to battle team Linn/Tilley/Sam. Mutile IFO wins where we would take the cash right to the clubs and rage all weekend. Crazy to say, but crashing was quite the reality check-and in turn it free'd up my weekends, which led me to bartend- which led me to meet my wife whom was a co-worked with the same ambition, and eventually my career in banking though a chance meeting that would never have happened if I was still out in Mexico every weekend


    The car was part of so many good memories. Although I have had a few faster and many nicer, I can honestly say my life literally would not be the same without it.





  5. #4

    Get it as safe/reliable as humanly possible and sell it to me. Subscribed. Not gonna lie, I’ve been removed from Columbus for over 10 years. Threads like this keep a 40 year old man in the game/interested in the car scene. Props.


    You would be on the bottom 5% of people I would expect to be interested in this thing!


    So I'll take it as a compliment. Thanks :)

  6. Sell it and buy bitcoin?


    Its as volatile as this think will be at 200mph ;)



    As far as rules and records, I have an older SCTA rule book you can borrow to get a feel for the classes


    just putting it out there because 1/2 mile eventually leads to mile, and mile eventually leads to the salt.



    I have a SCTA book from when I was working with the team to get the mile to Ohio from Wilmington. Its a professional level of safety equip. Its not for me.


    And I have to adamantly disagree with the second statement. Out of the 20 or so people I have a personal relationship that have done 2 or more 1/2 mile events, not one of them has talked about doing a mile, or getting on Salt. The appeal to the 1/2 mile is you can take a real street car and do it. No radical cooling systems, no need to add a pile of statey equipment, just grip ti and rip it. The Cage alone would render anything you take there a full race car.


    Its like comparing an Autocross to a Le Mans race.

  7. Funny how the world works sometimes, you take risk with your life, I take risk with money. I only have one life but I can always go to work and earn more money. I’m riding this train all the way to six figures.


    You may laugh, but according to my ricer math: this year Bitcoin already gained more than 2200%. From here to six figures only 600% more ✌️


    Depending for far you looked back it has gained 10,000%


    I'm not laughing. Nothing is gained without risk! I wish you luck my friend! I hope it works out in your favor

  8. Assuming you're using link? Can you setup rolling anti lag with these days?


    A super hack way that does not work nearly as well as AEM/Haltech. May as well brake boost.


    Plus the Ohio mile is dead, it's now the Arkansas mile for 2018 thanks to Amazon.


    Honestly, It's your car so you do what makes you happy, but it just seems like a car like this was made for Land speed racing. I don't know what your aspirations are but what about doing 4-5 miles at Bonneville and trying to get into the 200mph club? It would be a once in a lifetime thing but people spend 2-3 times more than what you have in that little colt and never make it close - with the right aero and gears that little DSM probably has 200+mph in it.


    At this point, I dont have enough interest for that kind of financial commitment-to either the saftey or the travel/fees associated with that. May be something I consider after retirement, but with young kids I try to spend my free time with them. I wont go any further than Indy/Chicago for a race of any kind. Just dont have the time, and would not want to spend the money without first researching the classes and seeing where I have a chance to set a record. IMO- There is zero chance I would go out there just for fun. If Im going, I'm going to try and get my name in the record books.

  9. Would twin-compound turbos help get the GT42 spooling faster for option 3?


    Yes, but I wont do a compound on this car. Low end torque is something im trying to avoid, not add!


    How's it go, go big or go home? We've never met but I'm guessing you just need someone to say go option 3 and fuck these other lesser ideas.




    42r lag machine


    My only hesitation. The set right now is pretty peppy especially with the small runner China manifold-but this may go out the window when I give it more Cam which is likely over winter.


    How do think it would fair at the Ohio Mile? I know the safety regs would be a bitch, but as it's been stated you've got kids now. A closed course event with safety crews there and strict inspections before hand means you have the best chance of going home at the end of the event. You said you are already bored chasing ETs.


    Ohio Mile safety for the speeds I would see is extreme for the budget. I would effectively need a 25. 5 cage, full Halon....ect. Also I would have to design the entire cooling system for a 1 mile WOT run. The 1/2 mile is much easier on the car, and the wallet!

  10. Nice didn’t know the 7 was twin. Do it again and test out some small on3 new turbos ??


    Yeah it was a twin Ebay 50 trim first on a 2.4, then Single GT45, then single 50 trim on a 2.0 with various D50/Starquest/and Rx7 transmissions behind it. Most of the pcis from that car where lost when my buddies server crashed, but there are some still floating around I have to try and find.


    Safety and 1/2+ events.


    Jes, but which turblo?


    Regardless of what you do with your cars my suggestion is to get the issues with your D shaft worked out.


    Yes that's the first priority

  11. Would twin-compound turbos help get the GT42 spooling faster for option 3?


    I would not be concerned about the Gt42 spool. I know it, Im used to it. As long as your in the right RPM range its a non issue for roll or drag racing.


    Big question is- is it better than a 6766 for the HP range I will be in? That Im not sure of. If you poke around here http://dsmtimes.org/times.php?Page=1 It looks like the realistic ceiling for a 6766 is the mid 150s. Seeing how well the car is working on just some test hits, I have a very real taste for 160+ in the 1/4 and 200+ in the half.

  12. Nah broasif not a twin engine I know you were at that route at one point in your day and it did not pan out ... I was talking 2 turbos on the 1 engine just because it would be different and that seems right up your ally


    Ah, got ya.


    Yes, twin and compounds have been done. I am actually the only one I have ever seen complete a true twin turbo 4G63 in my old Rx7. Worked surprisingly well.




    Not the best pic, but all I can find at the moment

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