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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. I had one a few weeks ago (American version)and it was great. I don't think I could drink more than one but the one I had was fantastic.
  2. A little off topic from that list but has anyone tried any beer from Rockmill Brewery in Lancaster? I was looking through Maxim mag and saw the beer listed in Maxim's holiday gift section. Looks like they sell it in a little store in Blacklick, may have to go pick some up.
  3. I don't think I would buy one again. The apps suck and a lot of them don't work and have no support. Plus I have a row of pixels that went out. I use it more for a lighted e-reader. I think i would buy a Kindle Fire instead. Hopefully there will be a stable Android build for it soon.
  4. On the NASR webpage you can also buy guns from Davidson's: http://www.davidsonsinc.com/consumers/subsites/dealer_home.asp?dealer_id=1058 I've bought a few that NASR didn't carry and they received the guns pretty quick. You put a down payment down on the website and then pay the balance off at the store. No FFL fees either. Prices are often lower than the NASR prices too.
  5. I like the second mug and would purchase a mug if sold.
  6. Thats what this is for http://www.amazon.com/Berkey-British-Berkefeld-Ceramic-Filters/dp/B002RZRJHI/ref=wl_it_dp_o_npd?ie=UTF8&coliid=ILTBKJ4G22XER&colid=1TT4G5AVI4L36
  7. Didn't say it was all gold. I bought a coin for my son as a Christmas gift. I am looking more at silver.
  8. Am I right in thinking that is the world goes in the crapper and gold/silver is used for buying things that bullion and graded coins will be the same thing based on weight (1oz is 1oz) as opposed to how pretty the coin looks? I just bought some gold graded coins and am curious if in the long run I made a mistake.
  9. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. I have been working but I am now a self employed ind. contractor for a company. No 401k so the IRA is what I would do.
  10. Those who buy gold and silver do you buy the bullion or the graded coins? I have a hard time believing the graded coins will be higher in the future if the economy goes to shit. Wouldn't all the coins be rated on weight instead of condition? Any thoughts?
  11. Does anyone know if their is a specific amount of time to rollover a 401k to a IRA? I got laid off about 1 1/2 yrs ago and just left the money in the 401k plan. I now want to roll it over to an IRA. I didn't know if I would get taxed with me taking so long to change my mind. I have found I have 60 days to transfer the money. Is that 60 days from the lay off or 60 from when I approved the transfer?
  12. Beautiful car. What dealership lets a guy come in for a test drive and attach cameras to it? The guy must have some cash, they don't let just anyone drive them do they?
  13. Not knowing much about AR's but wanting one, are those good parts? Or will it suck and should I just spend a couple hundred more for a better one? Do you have a direct link to that AR? Or could you forward me that email? If email send me a pm and I'll email you. Thanks. Edit: could this be the gun? http://www.slickguns.com/product/16-mid-length-surplus-ammo-4-pos-rifle-complete-525
  14. They are $460.00 at Buds. http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/14902
  15. For shooting a pit that charged at him and has been know to be a not so friendly dog? I guess I'd be a vagina too.:fuckyeah:
  16. I had a buddy about two years ago shoot a dog. He lived in an apartment complex near Gahanna (actually Columbus police) and he took his trash out to the dumpster and was walking back when his neighbors pit started walking towards him growling. The pit wouldn't back up or go back to the apartment. The guy pulled his gun and kept it as his side ready. The pit finally charged and the guy put two rounds into the pit. Then he called the police. Police came out and told the guy he did the right thing. No charges or anything else except a sad neighbor who lost his dog.
  17. Looking for a Mark III. Target or Hunter. Thanks.
  18. No, it uses much more battery life with wifi on. More so than the 3Gs used.
  19. Thanks for posting this. I find my battery sucks like everyone else. I have found with my phone that the notifications aren't the culprit. I get more battery use when the wifi is off. Battery really goes down with it on. It wasn't like that with my 3Gs. I know wifi uses up battery but it is draining it big time on the 4s as opposed to the 3Gs.
  20. I don't know the name of it but I think I used one on a previous version of Firefox. You just added the add on and you could keep scrolling down instead of clicking the next arrow. Pretty handy. I'll see if I can find the name. Try PageZipper for Firefox. I think Chrome has something similar too.
  21. Nice buy. I would love a 2010 MS3 for that price.
  22. I just got back from Aim Hi and shot their LC9. I found my next carry gun. It shot very accurate (or at least I did) and the recoil wasn't bad at all. Very nice gun and no FTE or FTF using cheap American Eagle rounds.
  23. That looks great! Wnaplay could you PM me the info on your business? My sons birthday is coming up. Thanks. Nevermind. I just saw the info in the Speed Shop.
  24. Thanks for the link. This was very easy to do. HP has there own program (HPplay) that will copy the itunes library and make it playable on the Touchpad. No need to change to files to mp3. (I had to do that in the past with my old Blackberry).
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