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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. Never thought about cosignment. I'll look into it. Thanks.
  2. I haven't even been felt up yet by my online prices so a raping probably wont feel too bad. I know what one place will give me for it. And it isn't too far off my asking price. Plus it's a little easier than driving to some part of OH to sell it. I guess I'll just lube up before I go.
  3. I'm having trouble selling my Sig online and may just take in to Buckeye Outdoor and trade it in on something else. My question is do I just go in take a number and they give me a trade in price? If you have sold/traded in with them are they reasonable in what they give you? Thanks. Thinking of a Beretta PX4 Storm subcompact or Ruger SR9c or if they have it the LC9.
  4. I also found a Don Hume IWB brown leather holster that I forgot to include in the original post. It is much better than the Uncle Mike's I have pictured. Both will now be included.
  5. Thanks, the gun is great. I am now looking for a CCW piece that is a little lighter. Or if I sell it my wife is bugging me for a patio set. I may have to keep the wife happy this time so I can continue to buy guns in the future:)
  6. Sorry I'm not looking for non specific gun stuff.
  7. Nice gun and great price. I may pick one up once I sell my other gun.
  8. I'll say it. I was wrong. I never used it it was always hooked up to my wife's bike. I thought they had to pedal too. I guess they were pedalling fast just to keep up with my wife's pedalling. Bam is right. If they don't pedal they can just ride along. Thanks Bam.
  9. Yep or the kids legs are going to go as fast as you pedal. Which is actually kind of funny.
  10. The child pedals too. Pretty much turns a regular bike into a tandem bike.
  11. Bought last summer and used twice. Asking $50 for it or send me OBO by PM. Very easy to attach to adult bike seat. Product review: http://schwinnbiketrailer-equipment.blogspot.com/2010/08/schwinn-hitch-hiker-trailer-review.html Pics: http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/001.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/002.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/004.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/003.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/005.jpg
  12. Bought new last summer and used only once. Asking $60 or send me a PM with best offer. Exact model: http://www.walmart.com/ip/InSTEP-Quick-N-EZ-Plus-Bike-Trailer/14539490 I don't have the manual: http://www.instep.net/productInstepPDFFiles/167pdf-1pdf My Pics: http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/006.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/007.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/008.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/009.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/010.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Bike%20trailer/011.jpg
  13. The rear camera was great. See stuff behind you, blink, and then nothing. Nice car.
  14. Just ordered one for my Glock 19. I'll post a review when I get it. Total for it was $34.90 and that was for the reinforced top holster.
  15. So those will fit between your body and pants (for IWB) without attaching to anything and won't move around or get pulled out when the gun is drawn? These work? EDIT: After reading the site I'll answer my own question. Yes they work. http://averagejoeshandgunreviews.blogspot.com/2010/07/remora-holsters.html Thanks for posting this. It exactly what I am looking for. +rep.
  16. I like the white but I think I would hold off until next year when they get the 8 speed (and that is for most of Dodge/Chrysler vehicles).
  17. SOLD. http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/062.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/060.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/057.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/052.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/058.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/059.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/061.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/064.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/065.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/066.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/063.jpg There is a little holster wear at the tip of the muzzle: http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/054.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/053.jpg
  18. gaewsky1


    what store had the LC9?
  19. Pistols from their website: http://dealer.americantactical.us/products?category=Hand+Guns Prices with the guns: http://www.finfeatherfuroutfitters.com/pistols-c-102_106.html?filter_id=176&sort=2a I guess since almost all of the ones I would be interested in are sold out I will look at Rock Island. Basically looking for a compact 1911 that won't break the bank (around $500).
  20. Cincy is showing up on a lot of these "reality" police shows. Not making the city look to good.
  21. Does anyone own a gun made by them? Price seem really good (low) and I've read a few good reviews. Looks like they are hard to find though. Especially the one I would probably get: FX .45 TITAN 1911.
  22. Thats what I'm thinking and then putting a frame around them with some sort of lattice to block the view from the street. Although they would blocked by a large shrub.
  23. It may not be an issue. Just trying to look at options. It is a normal size two car garage and the trash cans are pretty large. I have tools and stuff too that take up space. Trying to fit a newer Accord and minivan in the garage with the rest of the stuff is a tight fit.
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