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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. Where exactly is the OSU Buckeye Lots? I'd like to come and watch. Sadly neither my Accord or Outback are "race" cars.
  2. I think you are missing a digit in the miles category.
  3. I had a buddy build us each a table (he was into woodwork at the time). I use it as a bedside table. I had another one order us ceramic coasters with our last names on it and the year they got married. We use these all the time.http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_1093.jpg
  4. I love this show. One of the best on TV.
  5. Ok thanks. I work out of my house. Anybody know about leases and insurance? Or should I just take the mileage deduction.
  6. I am recently self employed and know I can use mileage as a tax deduction. For those of you who do this do I need to keep track of both personal and business related trips in my mileage notebook I keep in the car? Say I take the kids to swimming lessons and bring my laptop to work while they take the lesson is that mileage deducted too? I've also read that if I need to go somewhere not business related I could make a stop at the post office or bank (for work related stuff) and then deduct the whole trip as business. Am I correct? Any other tips to get the most out of this tax write-off? I plan on leasing a vehicle soon can I write off my leased vehicle along with car related expenses (insurance, maintenance) in the percentage I use the car for work? Thanks in advance for the replies:megusta:
  7. I like the 'No Murci' license plate. Nice cars no matter who owns them.
  8. where would I have to drive to get two Dells?
  9. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66282&highlight=waterboard
  10. And who would have thought that turbo 6 ecoboost would outsell the V8's in the F-150. The smaller engine of the Vette is an option. They will still offer a larger V8 engine. I believe it.
  11. I think that is the best color combo (car + wheels). Nice job!
  12. http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Sig%20Sauer%20P239/058.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_0313.jpg Carried the Sig for a while. Traded it for a Glock 23. The pic of the Glock 19 is for when I was going to sell it but you get the idea. I carry the 19 most of the time now. Eventually I will get rid of the 23 or 19 for something new. Don't know which one to trade though. I love them both.
  13. I think I took my CCW class with her. If so she was a nice lady and seemed to know what she was talking about (when we had free time to talk).
  14. That sounds like to best guy trip ever. Was it a stock A4? And your car looks great btw.
  15. That sound of it getting stuck made me cringe:lolguy:. Even worse was the crazy woman cackle at the :14 second mark.
  16. gaewsky1

    open carry

    Dont they have to prove that you saw the signs and you purposely ignored them?
  17. gaewsky1

    open carry

    Thats the correct answer if caught.
  18. Thanks. I have been hearing nothing but great things about the SR9c .
  19. Sold this afternoon. Please lock it up.
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