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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. Cheaper than dirt has a CM9 on sale for $364.00 if anyone is looking for the cheaper version of the PM9. I just placed my order:fuckyeah:
  2. The only thing I liked about the halftime show was the weird looking, curly haired blond guy (looks like Bob Ross) on the tight rope. Edit: Here is a video of him http://unofficialnetworks.com/craziest-guy-world-andy-lewis-slackline-king-43566/
  3. For sale is my Gen 3 Glock 19. I am the original owner, bought it at the end of 2009. Right now the gun will come with 4 mags, all original parts (case, lock, booklet, shell casing) I don't have the quick loader anymore. I changed the trigger spring to a 3.5lb spring (still have the original). It has a hogue grip on it. Also will come with a glock pin removal tool, front sight removal tool and Hi-viz front sight system. Stock sights are on it currently. It also has the grip plug installed. I'll include a black Don Hume IWB holster and maybe one other one if I can find it. Gun has been great no problems like FTF or FTE. Looking to sell or if you have a subcompact 9 (Kahr CM9, Diamondback 9, Ruger LC9) I'd be interested in a trade plus some cash if needed on either end. Asking $425 http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Glock/108.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Glock/109.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Glock/111.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Glock/110.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/Glock/107.jpg
  4. I didn't want to watch the video until I read this comment. Damn you!!
  5. This gun shot great. Very good groupings. No issues like FTE or FTF. You can find them at Buds for about $400. The only thing I didn't like about the Sig was the trigger shape. It kind of wrapped around at the end when I wish it was a little straighter. I'm sure I can fix that somehow. I also shot a CZ 75 SP01 Shadow. This gun was terrific too, fantastic trigger, but about 3 times as much as the Sig. Overall, good day at the range and my wife loved both guns. Didn't complain at all about recoil. She didn't even shoot her .22.
  6. gaewsky1

    New Purchase

    Picked up a Sig SP2022 9mm. I've been looking for a 9 a little heavier than my Glock 19 so my wife would feel more comfortable shooting it. This fit the bill and my wallet. I'll probably shoot it tomorrow and update. http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/113.jpg
  7. Nice pick up. I plan on getting the cheaper version (CM9) in a couple of weeks.
  8. gaewsky1

    How long

    I dropped mine off at Licking County Sheriff Dept. in Newark took about 10 business days.
  9. If you looking to spend about $430. I've got a Gen 3 with 4 mags that I bought new at the end of 2009. I have a hogue grip on it now. I would include the original case, booklet, lock and an IWB holster. Let me know.
  10. Its $85 for 10 weeks. The third week starts tonight at 5-7:30. They throw the worst two weeks out so if you wanted to start tonight you probably could without making anything up. They seem to have them throughout the year. I'll probably do it again next time.
  11. Good stuff. I know I am probably very unprepared but I want to get more prepared. I've been going to the range about once a week and practicing better carry and draw skills. I've also joined the weekly AimHi CCW league which teaches me a few different skills in different lighting conditions and noise conditions. (Plus its fun). I wish I had my own land to set up stuff but that isn't in the cards. OP, What Krav gym? Gahanna? Can anyone come in and watch a session? I've been thinking of doing some sort of martial arts and from what I've seen Krav seems the most practicle and "real world". Thanks.
  12. Thanks for the ideas. Dashboard is sounding better and better:fuckyeah:
  13. Gamertag: CementHead. I haven't bought COD4 yet but my son and I usually play Black Ops or Modern Warfare 2. I'm getting Forza in the next couple of days too. If you want easy kills add us.:lolguy:
  14. Is it really worth $250? Are there any others cheaper besides the MS one?
  15. Is your gun always on you? Do you have a holster between seats or under a seat? Just trying to find out some other options. I usually always have it on me but sometimes that is uncomfortable.
  16. I like the first photo of the Firebird better. Is the car green or blue? The second photo makes it look bluish.
  17. They were flying over Reynoldsburg too. My son thought is was the coolest thing he has seen. Granted we just got through playing a match on COD.
  18. Sounds like we'll be having similar weekends! I've got a friend who works for ESPN Cleveland so he got a deal on all our seats together.
  19. I'm going with about 15 friends. Should be a good, cold time.
  20. This is one thing I have never done. Now I need to come up with a name for my Glock 19.
  21. gaewsky1

    Keltec KSG

    What prices have you heard? NVM I see prices around low $600's.
  22. gaewsky1

    Keltec KSG

    http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98560 A few spots down. It looks like a fun gun, but I think I'd rather have something else for approx $800.
  23. I'm one of the people who is friends with actual friends I've been close to since elementrary school and family members. No one I don't know very well is friends with me and all my privacy stuff is set for friends viewing only. It also gives my family a way to see what my kids are doing since we live in different cities. Its also easy to access on the iPhone. I never use the regular site.
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