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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. I've used Navigon for the past year and have been very pleased. Just used it back and forth from N.C. this past weekend.
  2. gaewsky1


    Looking for the Advantage Arms .22lr conversion kit for a Glock 19. Or if anyone knows of someplace that has one in stock. Thanks.
  3. Are you related to another Gibson that has been making the news recently? J/K.
  4. Thanks all. It looks like the local Mustang club is having a car show at the Biltmore that whole weekend so I guess I'll stop by and have a look at a cool ass mansion and hopefully some nice Mustangs. I'll have to see how far away the dragon is. Probably won't be to much fun in a minivan but you never know.
  5. Going there this weekend to visit family. Never been there before and the family just moved there. Has anyone ever been down that way and if so anyplace good to eat?
  6. Lots of very nice cars there. Good pics!
  7. http://www.motortrend.com/roadtests/coupes/1010_2011_2011_ford_mustang_gt_vs_2011_bmw_m3_comparison/index.html#ooid=htdzJvMTq1UKHVCmN3BVOgE5oYgXcYXb
  8. Very nice. Car sound great.
  9. Makes me want to start carrying a bat along with my expandable baton. Until I get my CCW that is.
  10. Yes I just dragged and dropped it. I guess I will rename it from now on. Thanks for the help.
  11. I have an external HD attached to my mini mac. I formatted the external HD already. Basically I moved my iPhoto album to the HD and then a few weeks later transfered a new iPhoto album with new pics again (I thought the photos would be added to the iPhoto album already on the external HD). It looks like the most recent transfer overwrote the first album transfer. It either overwrote the file or I am not able to access it. It looks like I have 9GB of pics on the external hard drive but each time I access it the newest iPhoto files pull up and it isn't anywhere close to 9GB. Did I just lose a bunch of pics? Should I be doing anything in the future to where it won't overwrite the file but just add to it? Hopefully this makes sense and someone can suggest something.
  12. gaewsky1

    my dogs foot

    Give it half a pill of benadryl (or knock off Walmart brand) each day. We have to do this with our two dogs every year due to allergies. This was the vets advice and works great.
  13. Does it come apart or is it one big piece?
  14. Sold. Thanks for looking.
  15. I really didn't find it to be any better than Safari. I deleted it two days after I bought it. Didn't like the security issues too.
  16. Those Corsa's sound damn good. I agree with the others, a little more drop. Looks good though. Edit: Actually, watching the second vid after my first post, I think the drop looks perfect while driving.
  17. I got laid off and I haven't gone shooting in a while so she thinks it should be sold. I would like to hold onto it as a home defense gun. I'm sure I could sell something else to keep her happy.
  18. Thank you sir. I do love the gun and wont be too upset if I don't sell. The wife won't be happy though.
  19. For Sale Glock 19 Gen 3RTF. Also comes with case and all original stuff (booklet, lock and keys, speedloader, and 2 mags). I will also throw in a Uncle Mike's gun bag, cleaning kit, targets and 110 rounds of American Eagle ammo. Price is $475 FTF only. I bought this at Vance's in Feb and it has about 350 rounds through it. http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_0313.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_0314.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_0315.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_0317.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_0319.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_0329.jpg PM me if you have any questions.
  20. They looked packed and very open last night.
  21. I saw it and that is pretty much what happened. Fedor smelled blood and tried to finish Werdum. They weren't slippery enough and Fedor couldn't pull away. He also had his head locked in by Werdum's legs. He got careless and played into Werdum's biggest strength, the ground. I really wanted to see the Fedor/Overeem fight. Guess that won't happen.
  22. I bought one the other day and its is the best razor by far I have ever used. I also hear the blades should last longer too and its a good thing because they are expensive.
  23. I vote for Moissanite.
  24. Mine does the same every couple of years. They will probably come out and add some gas to it and it will work perfectly.
  25. I visit to pass the time reading about cars that I've wanted to own but never have. I've asked questions about guns, lawns, trips etc and have always gotten good advice from local people. (thats important) I've found companies to work on my cars (thanks IPS) and to get my motorcycle tuned up and detailed (thanks Hoblick). I've even sold a few things and a few things that friends needed sold. I don't think that I will ever stop coming to CR.
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