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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. How do you like the XDm? I've been looking at those and either a Glock 19 or maybe a 26 but I haven't held the 26 yet.
  2. Since the other policy was in her parents name have one of them call and ask for the proof of when the car was insured. Having a fax number to give them will speed of the process immensely.
  3. Looks like I'll get the membership. I like the fact that I can bring a guest as my brother in law just bought a few guns so maybe he will help cover the cost. I know Vance's has great prices I just wondered what NASR would be once a member. Thanks for the posts. Does NASR offer any incentives if a current member refers a new member? If so pm me your info and I'll mention your name.
  4. Any one been there? I am thinking a buying a membership and then getting a gun. The reason for the membership first is I want to see what the discount on the gun would be. It is the closest range to my house and work. I'm sure there are cheaper ranges out there but with the gas used to get there would probably offset the price of the higher membership. any thoughts?
  5. You cant insure the same vehicle on more than one policy. As a driver you can be listed on any number of policies but not the same car. (Insurance agent, so I know) See if you can get her parents policy showing her as a "named driver" and the car being covered and send it to your company. They may give you some money back because the car was already covered on another policy. Worth a shot. The reason the car can't be covered at two companies is because of a claim. You then would have two companies fighting over who will and won't pay the claim and trust me both won't want to pay out on a claim.
  6. I've seen a couple of episodes. I kind of like the German episodes better than the LA ones. They do put out pretty nice rides (most of the time).
  7. Mine does it all the time too. I have WOW and they said I needed a new line and were going to charge me for it. When I switched to HD they weren't happy with the signal from the line and told me it was very low for an HD signal and that I should have them rewire the house. Shouldn't they do it for free? Or should I shop around and see if another company will do it for free? I've never had a problem with WOW and think their customer service is pretty good. But this skipping is driving me nuts and more so my wife. And when the wife complains it isn't a good day for me.
  8. It depends on the insurance company if you need to be listed or not. Some will require the titled/registered owner be on the policy along with the named insured (your fiancee) others will not. Just depends on the underwriters. Do you have your own insurance someplace else on your car? The letters the BMV sends out is just checking that the licensed driver has at least liability insurance. They are not looking for a specific car (that is why people with no cars get the random letter asking for proof in the mail). If you have a license in Ohio, even if you don't have a car, you have to have the liability to make you legal.
  9. and if you take the course most insurance companies will still charge you for the moving violation, whether the state charges you or not.
  10. I'd buy one. I was going to off their website but thoght the price was to steep. Your price seems a little better. Post if you do order them or send me a PM. Looking for a Vette.
  11. gaewsky1


    Thanks for the replies. We changed the location to Chicago. Both of us have never been and we can drive there. Admins can lock this if they want.
  12. gaewsky1


    Thanks for doing it for me. Seriously. You are my new friend not that little search button.
  13. gaewsky1


    Planning on going to Vegas for two days with the wife for her birthday. Thinking of flying out Wed morning and coming home Friday night. We aren't big gamblers and will probably see a show. Since its my first time in Vegas, we'll probably walk around quite a bit. My question is where to stay and what to do? Any websites that have great deals you know of? Where should we fly out of? Columbus or somewhere else? Thanks in advance.
  14. Had to work this weekend so I missed the show. Thanks for the great pics. Rep points for you!
  15. I agree. He was trying to hard to act the hillbilly part. Sounded good compared to everyone else on that show. Although there was a pretty good breakdancer on last nights show.
  16. Thanks a lot. And my son will be very happy.
  17. Do me a favor, in this latest issue there is an ad in the middle for Ridemakerz.com Next weekend for fathers day if you submit a code you get buy one get one free. Thought it would be fun for my son and I to make two cars. I threw my mag out and forgot the code. I think the code is just Autoweek but I'm not sure. Can someone double check for me? Kind of a neat idea. I don't think I would ever buy one without the buy one get one free because it gets kind of expensive adding stuff on. Thanks.
  18. But how is AT&T actual phone service around Columbus. I'm usually between Reynoldsburg and Easton everyday and am thinking of switching. Anyone have dropped calls a lot?
  19. http://www.blackberryfaq.com/index.php/How_to_add_/_delete_email_addresses Or go directly to: https://bis.na.blackberry.com/html?brand=vzw This is for Verizon customers.
  20. Got one sitting in the garage.
  21. http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/05/rumor-new-iphone-hardware-to-be-a-minor-upgrade.ars Possible Iphone upgrades. OP, as a new owner, how do you like the phone. Do you get good phone service? I have VZW now too and really want the Iphone. I basically use my Curve now for surfing and think the Iphone will handle that so much better. I will wait until the new one comes out before I make the switch though.
  22. Kind of interesting and doesn't seem to bad. Basically reporter lasted 4-5 seconds but didn't have any ill effects besides being out of breath. http://whitehouser.com/politics/playboy-journalist-takes-waterboard-challenge/
  23. Thanks, something to listen to while surfing. Also any idea if I can look up some of the code numbers they are using?
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