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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. Don't worry about the tranny issues. If you drive like an idiot then you have to worry. My '02 has 55,000 miles on it and I have an 18g turbo upgrade. The turbo has been on for the past 10,000 miles. I drive the car aggressively at times and have to problem with the tranny. Like Spaceghost said don't launch at 7,000 rpms.
  2. All the sites listed above are great and very informative. Also try http://www.lersoc.com What kind of questions do you have?
  3. O.K. and doesn't the new owner live in Chagrin Falls which is east of Cleveland?
  4. That car is in the Cleveland area now.
  5. Prodrive P2 http://www.leftlanenews.com/2006/06/05/topgear-tests-the-prodrive-p2/#more-2945
  6. True. Some companies lower rate at both 21 and then again at 25. Safe Auto is one of them.
  7. His grandparents started Yellow Pages he is the heir to their fortune. I'm unable to comprehend having that much money. Who uses the yellow pages anymore anyway?
  8. His younger brother Alekisander isn't too bad of a fighter either.
  9. If you read the description the same guy owns both cars and its an SLK with an SLR engine.
  10. Maybe his company did buy it. He probably had it registered in his name and to write it off as a business expense the company bought it.
  11. When I pulled up the site it showed unleaded, plus, and premium and gave the stations name.
  12. I took the course about 2 years ago. It was a little cheaper then. I had wanted to take the MSF course but it filled up pretty quickly and I would have had to wait the whole summer to take it. With the AD Farrow course I got in within a month. I had never been on a bike before and believe that I learned more from the AD Farrow course than the MSF course. My class was fun it was a bunch of older people (40-50's) but they were all nice. I was one of two to score perfect on the final tests. I recommend the class to anyone who has never been on a bike before. It may be pricey but well worth it.
  13. Was she insured at the time she was pulled over? If not tell her to get insurance quickly with an SR-22 and take it all into court with her. Don't wait until the day before either. The insurance company will need a few days to notify the state of the Sr-22.
  14. Thanks for the suggestions and warnings. Any others out there? It should be a pretty easy install should I just take it to Best Buy or Circuit City?
  15. Where is a good place to get a DVD player installed in my wifes Odyssey? I don't want a headunit player but one that can be installed overhead.
  16. Were you 30 at this time last year? Make sure full coverage is still on the policy.
  17. Uninsured motorist covers your bodily injury of hit by an uninsured driver. Ohio offers Uninsured motorist property damage (UMPD)so if your car is hit by someone with no insurance your policy will pay up to $7500 toward the damage to your car. No increase in your insurance premium if this is used. If you have full coverage (Comprehensive and Collision) the state doesn't allow an insurer to give you UMPD. You would have to claim the damage with your collision deductible and that will affect your rates for 3 yrs (make them go up). If the damage is less or even close to your deductible I suggest just paying out of your own pocket because in the long run when your insurance increase it will probably total more than if you just paid it yourself. If you sue the alien he may not have any property in his name or they can place a lien on the car.
  18. I saw the yellow one with dealer tags over on Sawmill too. He pulled up along side of me and then floored it and headed for an onramp. It was the nicest sound I've ever heard! Also one of the best looking cars. The widened body looks great.
  19. Coilovers are too expensive. Can't afford them now. As for why I want to lower the car, I want to get rid of the gap between fenders and tires.
  20. What shop will install lowering springs? Thanks.
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