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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. I'm having the exact same problem. Looking for pretty much the same thing. Walmart, Target, Meijer all have nothing good. I'll have to look at EB.
  2. Thanks for all the replies. I guess I'll find someone to fix it. It's just been a pain in the ass to find someplace to do it.
  3. I have a 2003 Honda VLX 600 deluxe that I have not ridden in about 2 years. It has been garaged and covered during that time. I have kept the battery charged and air in the tires but I'm sure it will need a tune up. It starts but when I let the clutch out it stalls. I am wanting to sell it so my question is should I find a place to tune it and then sell for the full asking price or should I see if I can sell it with out the tune (not in running condition) for a few hundred less than what I would want to sell it for? I am finding it hard to find someplace to get it running for me.
  4. That is sad. I just finished reading the article about him in the new 0-60 mag. The author of the article mentions being a little leery of flying with Mcrea in his helicopter.
  5. I actually tried that first before I posted this but could't get your site to load. I''ve been on this board long enough to know your exact post would come.
  6. My parents came into town to visit and they think their transmission on their '02 PT Cruiser broke. It will is an auto and will not shift gears. Any place to get this fixed?
  7. Good looking dogs (I love brindles). We have a bullmastiff who is now 5 yrs old and has been a great dog. He weighs in at 120 lbs. http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/P1280088.jpg
  8. Nothing wrong with wagons. I like it. I'm not biased though.
  9. gaewsky1


    If I have a Verizon account that isn't up for the new every 2. Can I go into the store and get a discounted phone if I sign up for another 2 yrs? I'm looking to get a smartphone but don't want to pay the full price. Any suggestions?
  10. gaewsky1


    So if my lease is through US bank and I purchased the car at Byers Subaru, I could probably walk into Byers and lease a new vehicle without any penalties?
  11. gaewsky1


    The lease on my car is almost up and I am wanting to purchase the car. Can I try and talk them down on the purchase price? Or am I stuck paying the remain balance of the car? This was my first lease so I have no idea. Thanks
  12. That's pretty funny. Up in the asshole.
  13. I'm not sure if it's open or not. I was driving to 84 Lumber yesterday and saw their sign. I'm looking for a shop that is close to me so that is why it peaked my interest.
  14. No its not. Its a cruiser. 88lx5oh, I'm looking for someone closer to me. If I can't find someone in the next couple of days. I'll send you a PM. Thanks for your reply.
  15. Its a 2003 Honda VLX 600 Deluxe. Their blue/purple looking color. It has about 400 miles on it. I bought it "new" in 2004 and never got around to ride it. Kind of an impulse buy. Never been wrecked or put down. Comes with saddlebags and battery charger. I think it needs its carbs cleaned and a tune up. It starts right up but if I let it idle and then try to give it some gas it starts to stumble a bit. I'd probably sell it for around $3500. KBB motorcycle value is about $3600 without adjusting for the low mileage. If someone would want to buy it before the tuneup and just do it themselves, I'd probably drop a few hundred off the price.
  16. Anyone heard of them? They are in Pataskala. I need my bike tuned up to get ready for selling it and they are down the street a few miles from me.
  17. I have two Goodyear Eagle HP tires size P205/55R16 and two Goodyear Eagle LS P205/55R16 tires only. I'm looking to sell all 4 for $50.00 or if you take two of the same it will be $30.00 for the pair. These are in good condition. A little muddy/dirty but they all have tons of tread left. They look brand new besides the dirt. If I have time I'll spray them down. Payments can be by paypal. I'm in Reynoldsburg by the way.
  18. gaewsky1

    Go CAV"S!!!

    As a former Cleveland native, I'm happy as hell to see the Cavs in the Finals. After winning both games against the Spurs in the regular season they may have a chance in the Finals albeit a harder chance. I also don't think this series will be as close in points per game. I think if a team wins (either Cavs or Spurs) it will be around 10-15 points instead of the 1, 2 or three points against Detroit. Anyway, great job Cavs! Hopefully Boobie will play just a well this coming series.
  19. I actually tried it and it didn't work for me. Now I have to go to Dent Magic.
  20. Nice numbers. Just wait until you go with the bigger turbo. 18g or 20g on a WRX are great fun. Mike
  21. I'm looking to get a concrete patio put in my backyard. It would be about 14'x16'. Looking to get estimates from some of the concrete guys on the board. It would need to be dug out and then poured. I thought about digging it myself but don't have enough time. I think my wife also wants cement steps leading down from the backdoor which replace the wooden ones we have now. Probably 4 or 5 steps. Go ahead and post or pm me estimates. Or if someone knows of someone not on the boards go ahead and post contact info. Thanks.
  22. Thanks for posting this. I'll be there.
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