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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. I just bought a Beretta Nano. Its pretty nice about the same size as my old Kahr CM9. Its very similar to shooting Glocks and is much smaller than my Glock 26.
  2. Just got my issue too. Its a great magazine. I really want to find an 6.0 GTO.
  3. Gen 3. Grip is a Hogue grip. I liked the 3.5 trigger, alittle crisper than stock. (its my old gun I sold him, so I hope he doesn't mind me answering the questions plus he's using my pictures:))
  4. I'm buying one as soon as I get the cash, but in 9mm. Vances/Buckeye Outdoors seem to get them in stock pretty regularly and for an ok price when they are on sale. I've bought a few guns from Buds online (looks like their website is down now) and sometimes they have really good prices too.
  5. Never been to a Tire Discounters but since I'm right down the road, do you guys do brake work? I've got a squeaking wheel and I can't seem to fix it myself.
  6. I think its dumb you need a number to purchase a gun safe. I would think anyone can go to the back and pull out a box for me. Stupid:mad:
  7. I was looking for one for a while too. Finally gave up and bought a Beretta Nano. Buds online has a good price for them.
  8. I've sold a few FTF guns. I've always asked for cash. I've always carried another firearm on me even thought most of my sales have been with CR jokers. I always try to meet in a crowded parking lot, but someplace that has spaces towards the back that are empty (Home Depot, gas station, McDonalds) All have been quick, easy transactions.
  9. Sounds exactly what I would do with mine. Pics would be great. Thanks. Off topic: Just picked up a Beretta Nano too. Waiting to pick it up.
  10. Merry Christmas to CR. We did the prime rib too. Turned out fantastic.
  11. That looks good. I think I'll pick one up after the holidays.
  12. Thanks for the reviews. I like it too because it does seem to be easy to customize.
  13. Does anyone have a Hi Point 995ts? Or have you shot one? What are your thoughts. I've been wanting a cheap 9mm carbine and it seems ok for once and a while range time. I don't like the keltec so it isn't an option.
  14. We bought our Outback there and they were pretty easy to deal with. I did all the negotiations through email, which I liked. The salesman was kind of annoying, but aren't they all? Service area is a different story though.
  15. I really wanted to buy the blue Miata when you put it up for sale. Kind of regret that I didn't pull the trigger seeing how much fun you and your daughter are having. I'd like to take my son out sometime.
  16. Very cool car. I love that they are bringing back the rear seats in such a bad ass car. I just wonder how small you would have to be to fit back there.
  17. I couldn't decide and voted once for GMG on my phone and once for PJD on my wifes. I really like PJD's bike but I like the Gas Monkey guys.
  18. How do I leave a Trader Rating for someone? I see the Trader Ratings up top but it just leads to my trader rating. What am I missing? I tried searching but didn't find the answer.
  19. Kahr CM9 for sale. This is a great carry gun. Here are the specs: http://www.kahr.com/Pistols/Kahr-CM9.asp I've got about 500-600 rounds through it. This gun shoots great. Its already broken in, which is how you want to buy a Kahr. I'm asking $350 for it. - It comes with two mags, one extended. - The original box and booklets. The box was cut up a little so I could fit a CT laser which I don't have anymore. - Two holsters one is a Desantis inside the pocket and the other is a Crossbreed MiniTuck IWB (righthanded). - There is a grip on it which can be taken off if you don't like it. I liked it because with out it the guns a bit smooth. http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_1390.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_1387.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_1383.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_1384.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_1389.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r95/gaewsky1/IMG_1388.jpg If you have any questions feel free to ask. I've had some trade offers and at this time Im not interested in trades. Cash only.
  20. Thanks for posting. My wife came home yesterday and asked if I saw anything about a fire on the news. She said there was a bunch of smoke. Now I can show her your great pics.
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