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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. Good to know. They seem like a great company. Plus they have some really good deals on guns.
  2. I agree with you posting the results. The Legacy I bought has a horribly pitted windshield. Very hard to see out of when the sun is shining. Maybe I'll try the Zaino and if I beat you to it, I'll post my results. Anyplace to buy Zaino Glass Polish locally?
  3. I've been using it for the past 5 to 6 years. Its been ok. I always know what my bill will be. Its been pretty accurate too. I think I usually owe a little at the end of the cycle but not much.
  4. You don't have kids do you?
  5. I love my Kahr CM9 and never hesitate to carry it in my pocket.
  6. So you got a shitty tow bill and the cops got a new "drop" piece. :fuckyeah:
  7. Took mine about 45 minutes yesterday around 4pm. Didn't lose any apps except for YouTube, but I already had the new YT app. Overall its been pretty good. It will keep me happy until the iphone 5s comes out and I can upgrade. Can we keep other phones out of this since the title is "iOS6 thoughts", not "iOS6 thoughts and android thoughts":dumb:
  8. http://www.slickguns.com/product/sig-sauer-sp2022-9mm-pistol-laser-contrast-sights-e2022-9-b-cpl-38999-after-coupon-free-ship I own this gun minus the laser and it is great. One of my favorites to shoot and is very accurate.
  9. There is some iPhone/iPod fix it kiosk at Polaris. They could probably do it.
  10. Do any of you have the M&P 15 Sport? Thinking a pulling the trigger on one. Vances had them for $699. I'm new to AR's so I think that may be good for a beginner to learn on (shooting, adding to it, etc....) Or is there something else I should look at? Thoughts?
  11. I've had AT&T since the first iPhone and still have in now with the 4gs. My wife has 4g with Verizon. She is always getting better reception with her phone everywhere. I'm changing to Big Red once the iPhone 5 comes out.
  12. Has anyone seen this mag? I saw it at Walmart while picking up some range ammo. Pretty good compared to other magazines. A little pricey but it has a bunch of stuff that interests me. http://www.recoilweb.com/
  13. Cool. My son, who is 8, has been taking Chun Kuk Do (founded by Mr Norris) for the past 4 yrs. Its been good for him. I'm thinking of joining soon too.
  14. My uncle had one with him at the range and it kept jamming. Look pretty but couldn't get more than 2 shots down range before it FTE with a few stove pipes. He had a few hundred rounds already shot through it too. He's going to send it back.
  15. What are the knife carry laws in Ohio? Can't carry an auto but an auto assist is ok?
  16. Got bored with it after 10 minutes. Hopefully other episodes will get better.
  17. I would definitely notify if I was in a car whether or not I was carrying. I've heard a bunch of stories of people getting a warning instead of a ticket due to them having a CCW even if they weren't carrying. I was just wondering about the home.
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