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Everything posted by kenny

  1. PM Howard, he has a 4x4 S10...
  2. If you buy anything other than an Evo for that you lose.
  3. Stay home or stay out of the fast lane. There is no need to be going less than 40mph when there isn't even an inch of snow on the ground. KTHXDIE
  4. Apple is so gay they need an online lounge called iLounge, really? Christ.
  5. I'm going to motorboat the shit out of you next time I see you and you can't run because your knee is pwnt.
  6. Nothing will ever compare to touching yours for the first time.
  7. time to start drinking again getting drunk twice in one day ftmfw
  8. There is no Apple logo there, you can not enjoy.
  9. Make sure the chain is adjusted properly, sprockets aren't worn funny, obvious marks of being crashasized on the barends, etc. Just check all the normal crap you'd check with a car, basically.
  10. Sometimes you gotta kill a bitch. http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/dunno.gif
  11. That's my every Saturday during college football season, sometimes earlier.
  12. If it's almost empty just siphon it, doesn't hurt to try it maybe he'll luck out and it's bad gas. I doubt it, but it's basically free to do. Sounds like you know where to look... get to it.
  13. Someone on a Buick forum just said the same thing and I told them to do that to solve their problem. Clicking this thread was like deja vu.
  14. What motor? 4.3s require quite a bit of fuel pressure to start. If it runs when you're spraying starter fluid, but not without, it's pretty obviously a fuel issue. What is the fuel pressure at the rail? Can you hear the pump prime? When was the last time you changed the fuel filter?
  15. kenny


    What’s the difference between Michael Moore and an elephant? About 50 pounds. What happened when Michael Moore went to the beach? People kept trying to push him back into the water. What happened when Michael Moore went to the zoo? People kept throwing him peanuts. What happened when Michael Moore went to the circus? People kept trying to get him to stand up and turn on a platform. What happened when Michael Moore went to a Thanksgiving Day parade? People kept trying to tie towropes to him. What happened when Michael Moore was floating in the ocean? Spain claimed him for the new world. When happened when Michael Moore was born? They smashed a bottle of champagne against his side. When Michael Moore was in school, what did he use to carry his lunch money? An armored car. Why doesn’t Michael Moore drive on freeways? He keeps getting waved into the scales. Why does Michael Moore wear shirts? To hide his harpoon scars. How do you clean a tunnel? Tie a rope around Michael Moore and drag him through. What’s the difference between Michael Moore and Godzilla? One’s a big, ugly monster and the other appears in Japanese films. Why does Michael Moore hate America? Just look at what growing up there did to him. How do we know Michael Moore is from Flint? What other city could produce such a slob? What’s the difference between Michael Moore and Adolph Hitler? Hitler was devoted to his country.
  16. kenny


    but it's necessary
  17. kenny

    New guy

    Roll racing is a snore fest.
  18. Cool. My other host is pretty much full and I'm too lazy to go through and delete shit I don't need.
  19. Let's make this same thread forty times, that will be hilarious.
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