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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Response Electric 276-8228 Tim/Chris are good guys, dunno how cheap they'd be...
  2. If you don't get in, just show up the day of the class. A lot of time people are no shows and you can get in anyway, as long as you were the first in line.
  3. I got yelled at for going too fast. lulz.
  4. That's a gay FWD car thing.
  5. Banning me isn't going to save your butthole.
  6. I have your MAF you retard. I also have a spare LT1 MAF and I know where you sleep.
  7. He has a basic grasp of grammar, so your answer is probably the inverse of wherever you attended.
  8. Seems like a waste of a good car over just a smoked apex seal.
  9. At least you'll be able to get a tow when you need it. ... assuming OSX doesn't crash.
  10. Since all of us in this thread can pick out the song in question, we're a bunch of gay men. Who wants to dock?
  11. It has child porn on it, shits a setup.
  12. Broken leg? Sprinkle some Tussin' on it.
  13. You'll collapse before you get to the corner.
  14. That was dumber than buying a FD with that shitty body kit and trying to justify it. Just stop, before you hurt yourself.
  15. Which part of I don't know who it is can you not grasp?
  16. Shut the fuck up yellow car, you have no opinion.
  17. Run out of Tussin', fill a bottle with water and shake it up, mo Tussin'.
  18. The only TV I watch is South Park, NCAA sports, NFL, Hockey, MotoGP (which I normally just download instead) and some Rob and Big. I've never once seen a commercial for that shit.
  19. All I know is I saw South Park making fun of something called High School Musical and I got made fun of for not knowing what it was. The way I see it, I'm the one that should be laughing - who the fuck would watch something called High School Musical?
  20. I have no idea who it was, it was on the other side of the office where I can't see. Definitely sounded like a white guy, though.
  21. We all scream for AIDS cream.
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