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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. has anyone figured out anything hotel wise because i have yet to figure that one out....
  2. really i have dropped my my 30g about 20 times now and first time was on a solid sheet of ice out of a second story window and nothin, it worked fine. i have had it for like 3 years now and the only thing that is wrong with it is that part of the screen doesnt work.... the thing is a freak of nature i guess. but yeah there is nothing i would really buy for a new nano, the headphone could use some upgrading and even then the headphones they come with create some good sound they are just uncomfortable in the helmet, i would suggest a nicer set of earbuds the nicer kind with the flexible ear tips.
  3. rubbin=nascar and nascar<racing but i do know a kid who races these. he loves it and i have no idea why??? i used to race karts with him and he was smoking people in karts and even won multiple national championships for multiple years, now that he races short track he has absolutely no competition... that could be why he likes it so much? that and a couple of nascar guys have paid him to live in north carolina and run bush series test for them.
  4. the best part was when someone mentions that if he tips on the raft and doesnt wake up someone has to go in after him, and then you hear, f that!!! thats friendship right there.
  5. if earache doesnt have any stock i am sure i can find some scrap at work. we have 3 55gallon drums full of scrap aluminum.
  6. .....what a Christmas present.... sad.. thoughts and prayers go out for the family of those involved and for those recovering
  7. nice bike! i would have recommended buying mine though...
  8. thats pretty sweet at least you know that if you get cited for something you get a free helmet out of the deal....
  9. i am pretty sure i missed something but this thread was still a good way to waste some time at work
  10. e-flores

    last post

    have fun out there!!!
  11. +2 i have wanted to kill some customers!!! but the christmas is still cool with me. just not the people and what society has made it to be.
  12. bet thats making you happy
  13. huber doesnt have water???
  14. yeah me too, the first one i have watched at least 20 times and i die laughing everytime, i need to find a gif format of one of the two and set it as my avatar.
  15. nice!!! i likey, and i usually hate streetfighters
  16. yeah we had hughsnet for a while and i cant express how much it blows!!! the only reason we kept it was because we live in the middle of nowhere and they dont offer cable here so we had no choice. but now we have clearwire and its pretty pimpin.
  17. i had to work i will be out tomorrow evening though....
  18. directv ftw!!! i havent had to deal with customer service or anything like that b/c i still live at home with the parents but i have never heard them complain about the service and we have used them for the last 10-15 years.
  19. foooooood!!!! this party is going to be wicked awesome!!! i love good food
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