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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. This right here is why I don't own a dual sport.... Have fun!!! And earache wish I could. I have too much I need to take care of this weekend.
  2. and for suggestions, mich. LTX I did research before I bought tires for my truck and that's pretty much what everyone suggested. So i gave in and slapped them on the truck. They have been on for two years now and show little wear and I've gotten a little over 20,000 miles on them, and for refference I tend to rape tires. Yes even on a truck. I enjoy them and they are a decent off road tire, even though they don't have much of an agressive tread. I do work on a farm every once in a while and they come in haddy, i no longer need a tractor to follow me around in case I get stuck. There is my $.02
  3. yeah im not a big fan of the place and i have never been there. i used to race karts and i know they turned down a few well organized clubs from holding events there just for the simple reason that they wanted to remain "exclusive" to their paying members. and to be a paying member you have to dish out something like $3000 a year.
  4. sad story. great comedian, and i never knew he was a lawyer before a stand-up comic.
  5. Wow this is quite awesome!!! Qually is tomorrow! I may go for it, thanks for posting this.
  6. Nope not the bike I was thinking of. Sorry.
  7. Hey trashbox, I may know the guy who is selling that bonneville. Do you have the sellers name?
  8. Yep I'm gunna have to say desmo or some other high end superbike, but probably the desmo. I know what your thinking i'm young and ignorant of my forcomings, but! Here's the way I see it, I could rock the thing until I'm in my 40's, comfortably anyway, so that would give me 20+ years to enjoy the thing. Then when I'm in my 50's I would probably have to talk myself into riding it, but that's cool enough for me. Then by the time I get to sixty I would probably put it away for a couple of years and just sit and stare at the thing. Until one day I would remember all the fun I used to have on two wheels and say screw it lifes to short and too many people complain about how they can't do the things they used to and that I'm better than that. After all that went down I would ride the thing day in and day out. I want to be the guy doing trackdays at 72. Yeah you laugh but at putnam two years ago there was that guy, and he is who I'm going to model my two wheeled life after. End of story. So screw you pansies and you super KY jelly glides and gold toothed/gold toed/gold urinary tract wings, I'm gunna have fun til I die, even if it kills me.
  9. really? i was thinking worse would have come out of that question.
  10. I've been out a couple of times last weekend Bu still haven't seen anything I'm hoping for the buck I saw twice last year. He just never came close enough.
  11. sad day!!! I will be on the lookout, not sure what I can do around here. But I will keep my eyes open.
  12. does one really need so many corvettes? thats like just ordering vanilla ice cream every day of your life.... why!!!!????
  13. congrats :lol: Chevy how bored can you really get?
  14. Yep, still not saying its a good idea, even though I love the RC, and I will more than likely own one one day.
  15. yeah but your bike isnt claiming to be a sportbike either. when you want to throw a bike in and out of corners that extra weight on each side isnt exactly going to help you too much. and they are more apt to being damaged in a crash. a simple lowside would have to potential to put a huge hole in your pocket. and it still doesnt explain to me why its a good idea.
  16. Its great he's going out on his own, but if he flops Justins right it flops!!!! And I hate to say it but I'm still not impressed, it still looks hateful and can someone please explain to me why it's a good idea to put radiators on the side of a bike?
  17. Hey!!! It's no called a knife, it's called a matchetté. So back off!!! And they cut good essé!!!
  18. You need more than just paint...
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