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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. I am jealous that you are in c-bus
  2. I am pretty sure I am in. If we meet and leave shell at 10:30 I should be good
  3. i may be up for it... what time you leaving?
  4. Wow... Sorry to hear man, if you need help with anything let us know!!! An in-law of mine became paralized from the waist down last year from a rock climbing acident and it's tough for sure just remember we are here for you!
  5. Bump! For you worthless pieces of crap who are planning on riding all day instead of supporting a good cause and having fun at the same time. Oh and it is supposed to be a glorious day out so you can get your ride in after the event anyway! See you guys there tomorrow!
  6. im there if thats the case but for real i wish i could... have fun!
  7. I vote we do the 10 lap race to weed out the weaklings... I have managed to pull off a 25 lap feature race there, you want to talk about hell? Sounds likea good time for sure though!
  8. I will be there!!! Can't wait to destroy the yota on the karts!!! And how much are we talking per kart ride here, so I know how much cash to bring.
  9. RIP thanks for giving yours so we could be selfish enough to enjoy ours...
  10. That didn't surprise me, especially after simonchelli and bautista signed their deals. there is just no room for him in gp. Spies does deserve a gp ride, funny I say that Now because I would not have said that a year ago.
  11. good find!!! i am still pissed he is beating haga in the world championship though...
  12. Awesome write up Jarvis sorry to hear you went down though if you need any help getting the bike back together just let me know.
  13. schmuck post this on the wera boards and you will have a lot more luck. http://forums.13x.com/forumdisplay.php?f=56
  14. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's coming your way....
  15. I am staying here... Lightning and thunder still at my place :(
  16. Yeah I was planning on heading up by myself, the less places I have to stop the more I can sleep.... And I enjoy my sleep. No offense, but that's how it is.
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