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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. Check 600rr.net i am sure there will be somone selling a set over there.
  2. At least his son can break a board with his fist...
  3. If you guys need another driver I am in but in all seriousness if one of your drivers get sick, can't attend, or anything of that matter give me a shout. I haven't raced with four wheels in a while but I want to do this race!!! Looks like I am going to have to save up for next year though.... Oh and good luck!!!
  4. Good luck out there!!! I'm going to have to find another buddy to shoot with at the races
  5. I am a.d now and yeah the ride is still on... And it's not raining, all you have to do is fight the wet streets now. So get out here!!! I rode an hoyt and a half in this crap and it's getting nicer and nicer as we speak! It's supposed to be a beautiful
  6. 8:30 that meens I am on the road at 7am. Prolly not gunna happen see you guys at 10 at a.d.
  7. the bike isnt really that lent over... he more or less is just throwing his whole body off the bike to get that picture.
  8. i didnt tell anyone.... i decided to keep the information to myself, i figured it would me less painful not to tell them, considering they would have hurt feelings, a hurt bike, and hurt. but if you dont tell them they just have a hurt bike and hurt.
  9. alright so people what are the plans? i know moose is eating at 8 a.m. which doesnt surprise me but are the rest of us just meeting there or somewhere else before hand?
  10. I was pissed off b/c she didn't even give it a chance. If you're not even going to give it a chance why would you waste your time even writting about it? Now with racing not being a team sport I don't agree with, when you're club racing and such yeah you're pretty dependant on yourself but once you are on the professional level you're team will make or break you.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iItzJc-NHI4
  12. ....your making me more hungry!
  13. hahahaha, i not a big fan of te longbow. but i am in love with my compound
  14. 23, and dont worry i dont plan on being there much longer
  15. ...yeah. i dont mind it though. really, my parents are cool peoples.
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