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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. How is this for interesting.... I have lived in the same house my whole life.
  2. Yeah I read this article the day it was published and it ruined the rest of my day..... I almosted posted it here but couldn't find the online version for some reason. This lady is as ignorant as ignorant can be.
  3. I would take you up on such an offer but I have a show sat. night.
  4. i had one of those phones.... i refused to text anyone!!!
  5. i was going to let my set go for $100 kinda iffy on the track use side but plenty of rubber for street use.
  6. Hey Dave I have a set of perrelli supercorsas. I don't remember what compound they are but they have a good amount of tread still left on them!
  7. i dont know the robot thing kinda turned me on not gunna lie...
  8. awesomeness!!! congrats!!! and have a good time!
  9. 97 f-150 2006 600rr a yamaha lite spec full bread racing kart
  10. rep for you my friend! That all depends on who you talk to... And what kind of canon glass you are talking about. But I'm not going to Jack this thread.
  11. ...that a tough one, you really cant go wrong with a 998 either way, but i would say red bull wins my vote. i do like the carbon fibre though.
  12. Oh god no!!! We are not bringing the armegedon hamster into this!!!
  13. Yeah I know what ya mean we all have those days.
  14. Nice ride today I haven't ridden 10/22 all year and it was def. A good ride! Sorry about leaving you behind and wondering matt!
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