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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. just got the bike ready and i am pumped!!!
  2. +1 i say leave IP at 8:30 that has me leaving my place a 6:30 or 7am... i can pull that off.
  3. i agree i say we hould be leaving the station at 10a.m.
  4. yeah i was half tempted to fro up my hair and take a pic with him...
  5. 250's anyone? race winner marco simoncelli, i got to shake his hand and wish him luck the night before the race. it was pretty amazing.... that and apparently the luck worked because he won the race sunday. championship leader aoyama hector barbera aka ricky bobby.... alvero bautista marco doing what he does best
  6. yep i was wondering ehwn it would all settle in as well. it took me a while after i stopped racing karts to absolutely miss it. i still see the broken down chassis and engine in the garage every time i walk in. hopefully bluegrass will be a nice substitute though.
  7. true story nick, you are coming with us....
  8. dont worry i am the same way, I ABSOLUTELLY SUCK AT LEADING!!! but i am in as well!
  9. would be up for a cochocton ride on Monday.
  10. i will be there!!! i am notching out a place in my schedule for this no matter what.
  11. and my favorite of nicky that i have ran across so far...
  12. the first few were on the inside of turn 5, saturday i saw a whole crowd of photographers there and i knew i had to get there early sun. for the practice session in order to get some good shots and getting there early paid off. thats not cheating, its called taking advantage of a situation. do you watch a good amount of NASCRAP by any chance? i def. cant post all the pics of hayden on here but i can go through and pic out the best 5-10 or so.... give me a particular and i can e-mail it to you. not im not a porn photographer... if i want to look at that i def. wouldnt be concerned about getting a good shot. that you did, sorry. consider this like the rewrite in a newspaper where they give the oops we forgot to include _____ (fill in the blank) the credit they desreved. except they give the credit a week later... either that or i could edit my first post.
  13. i am jealous of that pic!!!
  14. oh and if anyone has any request for pics of a specific rider, just let me know. i am pretty sure i took at least 10 pics of everyone.
  15. i really havent gone through all of my pics, actually the majority of my pics but here are i few i had and i know i needed to post asap. a special thanks goes out to mandie and carie for these last few!!!
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