I'm not sold on Apple. My HTC Mogul does much more than the iPhone. There are a decent amount of phones out there that do more than the iPhone. I could bitch about that phone for days but I am sure you all have heard the complaints before. The Mac Air is a sexy machine, don't get me wrong but they had PCs that small for years. Its not like Apple has just now invented the first new super small laptop. Give me a break. But to give Apple credit, they did what they do best. They take something that's not entirely new (super small laptop, touch screen cell, etc) and make it cool and sexy. People then loose their shit over it like its the Jesus Phone. I get a new PC/Laptop about once every 2-3 years. They come out with better processors, graphics cards, screens, etc. so I get a new one. The last laptop I purchased only cost $250 for an ACER. Not the quality of an Apple product but then again, it does everything I need done with 100% efficiency (play music, plays porn, surfs net, stores pics of family) just fine. I don't need to be paying $1700 for an Apple product that will do the same thing for me. No thanks Steve Jobs, I'll use that other $1500 bucks for something else thank you much. Apple TV is cool and that looks like something I'll buy EVENTUALLY. What keeps me from getting it is the fact that movies will expire whether or not you view them. That's the beauty of Netflix, you can get a movie and keep it for weeks without having to send it back. If Apple can let me keep a movie, at least until I watch it once, then that's a product I'll get.